Matthew 'chimp' Ward

Sylvaneth at Blackout VII: An Age of Sigmar Tournament Report

The Event Blackout is a long running 2000 point matched play Age of Sigmar event held in Cardiff, Wales and organised by Chris Tomlin. I alway try to go because it’s close and I’m lazy, also the vibe is good....

Dawnbringers Book 1: Harbingers – The Goonhammer Review

This review was completed with a free copy of Dawnbringers: Harbingers provided by Games Workshop. As we come to the end of this cycle of battletomes - only two remaining at this point - that often means it's time to...

Soulblight Gravelords 3.0 – The Goonhammer Review – Part 2: The Units

This is part 2 of our review of Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords for 3rd Edition Age of Sigmar. This review was completed using a free copy of the Battletome provided to us by Games Workshop. The Units Make yourself a beverage, this...

Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords 3.0 – The Goonhammer Review – Part 1: The Rules

This review was completed with a free copy of Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords, provided to us by Games Workshop A double whammy of Death is on offer this weekend, with Soublight being the perhaps surprise choice alongside Ossiarch Bonereapers. With their...

Start Competing: Skaven Tactics

Faction Overview Why Play Skaven? Because you like to loudly tell everyone how old the sculpts in your army are. Skaven are an army with a huge and varied range, they simply did not shed much in the transition to Age...

Idoneth Deepkin at the BIG Bristol Brawl GT: An Age of Sigmar Tournament Report

The Event A five-round, 2000 point matched play AoS event in Bristol, England. Organised by the Sigmar’s Pilgrims club this is their first big event and is very local to me, and it’s very exciting to have a tournament I...

The Age of Sigmar October Battlescroll Hot Take

Battlescroll: Galletian Veterans is out and we would like to thank GW for providing us advanced access in order to have the write up and analysis ready to go for you dear reader. The quick rundown here is: BoC,...

The Road To Brotherhood Part 1 – Introduction to Team Age Of Sigmar

If you’re a regular Goonhammer reader, you might have come across James “One_Wing” Grover’s excellent Start Competing: Warhammer 40,000 Team Tournaments article recently. Well, 40k isn’t the only game where teams can duke it out for overall victory; there...

Bonesplitterz at the Blackout VI GT: An Age of Sigmar Tournament Report

The Blackout series of events are 5-round, 2000-point matched play AoS affairs, usually run as ‘by the book’ as possible. Veteran TO Chris Tomlin has had an understandably rough recent run of it with cancellations and drops around Covid,...

Start Competing: Bonesplitterz Tactics

Welcome to Start Competing: Bonesplitterz, long the runt of the litter in the Orruk Warclans, these religious fanatics are finally having their AoS3 renaissance and are looking better than ever. Do you like horde armies with surprising mobility and...

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Detachment Focus: Explorator Maniple

We take a deep dive into the Explorator Maniple Detachment for the Adeptus Mechanicus, talking about what it does and how to play it.
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