
Book Review: Dawn of Fire: Avenging Son by Guy Haley

Reviewing this book is tricky. Real tricky. Avenging Son is a book with enormous pressure and responsibility for the future of Warhammer 40,000 fiction and that requires a slightly different review than what we would normally post for a Black Library...

They See Me Crusadin’, They Hatin’: An Investigation of The Crusade Gameplay Loop

Hello reader! If there was one thing that excited me about 9th edition, it was Crusade. The premise is incredible - 40k progressive Narrative play, with an official framework and heavy support is literally the stuff of dreams. But is...

An Interview With Aaron Dembski-Bowden

A quick foreword: I would just like to say my deepest thanks to Edwin Moriarty and James M Hewitt for helping this come together and to Aaron for not only agreeing to be interviewed but writing the level of depth that...

Goonhammer’s Guide To Cool And Good Lore Youtube Channels

Hello reader! There's a lot of stuff going on in the world right now and we here at the Goonhammer team thought it might be a good idea to shoot some positivity out into the internet. So we got together...

Getting Started: Space Marine Successors

At Goonhammer we've devoted a lot of words to talking about how to compete and take your game to the next level. In "Getting Started," we look at how to get started with an army - the basics you...

Tweets of War 6: Return Of The Tweet

This week Tweets Of War are back to AOS, with Coda battling The Hobby Room’s Ceri in a game of AOS via twitch and twittar. Tweets of war has each of us made a new twitter account and instead of...

Tweets of War V: A Good Day to Tweet Hard

This week Tweets Of War are back to 40k, with Coda battling The Hobby Room’s Ceri in a game of 40k via twitch and twittar. Tweets of war has each of us made a new twitter account and instead of...

Podcast Appearance – Tweets of War on 40K Today

If you’re feeling like you’d enjoy a dose of Goonhammer goodness in a different format then good news – you can check out today’s (29th April 2020) episode of 40K today to hear Tyler "Coda" Moore and Ceri from...

Tweets of War IV: Live Free Or Tweet Hard

For the last 3 weeks I, Coda, have been battling The Hobby Room's Ceri in a game of 40k/AOS via twitch and twittar. Each of us made a new twitter account and instead of directly taking command of our armies,...

Tweets of War II: Tweet Harder

Last week I took on Ceri in a game of 40k. I was in the Australia, she in the UK. Normally this would be impossible, however with the power of Twitter and webcams we came up with a system...

About Me

I like to slam some hams. Insta: Twittar:
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Century of the Vampire: Shadow of the Vampire (2000)

This week Bernhardt looks at the Dracula movie released in 2000 that ISN'T Dracula 2000: Shadow of the Vampire.
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