
Running My First Kings of War Tournament

When it looked like my area needed one more Kings of War event to round out the year, I decided to step in and organise a one-day event at a local hobby shop.

Kings of War: Top 5 Holiday Destinations in Pannithor

The silliest of seasons is fast approaching and we, Cytoplasm and Urr, have crawled out of the gum tree to provide you with the inside knowledge on where to spend your precious vacation time in the lands of Kings of War's Pannithor.

Lifeleech Sucks in Kings of War

We talk about the Lifeleech Mechanic in the new edition of Kings of War.

Riftforging in Style: Mantic’s Better Orcs at ConVic 2024

G’day Goonhammer readers! It’s that time of year when ConVic, the two day Kings of War tournament, brings all sorts of Victorian cheer! For your humble writer, Cytoplasm, this is the only two day event I typically get to...

Riftforged Orcs March Forth: Kings of War Tournament Debut

G’day Goonhammer readers! Over the last six months, both of us (Cytoplasm and Urr) have been preparing new armies for Kings of War. First we covered Urr's performance with one of the early iterations of his Twilight Kin army,...

Dawn of Urr’s Twilight Kin: The Tournament Debut of a New Kings of War Army

G’day Goonhammer readers! Over the last six months, both of us (Cytoplasm and Urr) have been preparing new armies for Kings of War. We built, painted and very nearly completed these armies for a tournament in early May; a...

It’s High Tide For The Trident Realms: New Rules, New Models

G’day Goonhammer readers! The Trident Realms of Neritica, a vast subnautical empire of numerous aquatic races (and monsters), are the next to be receiving mid-year updates in Kings of War. Similar to the mid-year updates of the Nightstalkers and...

Kings of War: Goonhammer’s Urr Takes On Clash of Kings Australia – Day 2

G’day Goonhammer readers! Welcome back to Urr’s coverage of his time at the pre-eminent Kings of War tournament down under: Clash of Kings Australia 2024. Day One was a blast, but there’s six more games to go. A quick...

Kings of War: Goonhammer’s Urr Takes On Clash of Kings Australia – Day 1

The Kings of War gang recount their experiences at Clash of Kings Australia - battles fought and lessons learned

An interview Keith Maki Lee: the first Clash of Kings Asia champion

G'day Goonhammer readers! In mid-January, Clash of Kings Asia was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This was the first major "Clash of Kings style" event to be held in the region, attracting players from across Malaysia and Singapore. Bringing...

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