Dylan Gould

How to Paint Everything – Necromunda Barricades

Howdy scummers! This one is a call to action. We know you have a pile of Necro / Kill Team barricade sprues collecting dust somewhere. We've got a simple suggestion for you: Paint your damn barricades That's it. Put paint on...

Necromunday – Promethium Tanks (and Trailer) Review

Howdy, scummers! It's Necromunday Necro release day. This week we are psyched to be reviewing the Cargo-8 Trailer with Promethium Tanks and 2x Promethium Tanks kits. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing early preview copies of both sets. The...

Necromolds Brings the Play-Doh Skirmish Warfare of your 90’s Kid Dreams – Turn Order

We return to Turn Order this week, wading through punched sheets of tokens and tripping over box lids, with an overview of the much hyped (the hype is real friends) game Necromolds, fun for all ages. Mold 'em! Fight 'em! Smash 'em!...

Kill Team: Into the Dark Terrain Review – Enter Killzone Gallowdark

The new Kill Team Into the Dark boxed set is up for preorder today and inside is one of the most ambitious new terrain kits we've yet seen from Games Workshop. The Gallowdark terrain is a set of walls...

Necromunday: Model Railroad Edition – Part 2

Howdy Scummers! This week we are back to talking trains! It's about time we catch up on the progress of this underhive train system... and thoughts on some of the scenarios we've played with it. Back in February I walked...

Necromunday: The Lost Charter Review

Recently, the Necromunda team at GW released a narrative scenario with associated rules. We got a psychic ogryn y'all... Let's take a look at this Ogryn. He's a big boy with psychic powers & Headbutt - and is only available...

Necromunday: Book of the Outlands Roundtable

Howdy scummers! Hot on the heels of our Ash Wastes box and Book of the Outlands reviews, we got the crew together to talk about future projects, campaigns, and what we generally want to get out of Necro's new...

Beanwatch: Zeke’s Coffee

It’s a complex world out there of bean-based beverages, and Goonhammer is here to help. We’re branching out into beans and the resultant bean water this week. GREGNOTE: I know, we already kind of did a Coffee Meatwatch, but this...

Necromunday: A Tale of Four Scumlords – Part 2

Welcome back, Scummers! Long overdue, Dan, Cody, Dylan, and Fowler return for an update on their new gangs for 2022. Let’s read on and see how pathetic their progress has been over the past 4 months. DYLON: I started off...

Necromunday: Ash Wastes Box Set Roundtable

Howdy scummers. It's Monday which means it's time for even more Necromunday! We just reviewed the Ash Wastes Box Set on Saturday and we are getting the band back together to drop a few more thoughts about this release.  Now...

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Detachment Focus: Explorator Maniple

We take a deep dive into the Explorator Maniple Detachment for the Adeptus Mechanicus, talking about what it does and how to play it.
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