Eifert Posting

Putting Together the Cursed City, Part 1: Assembling the Denizens

The new Warhammer Quest: Cursed City box is absolutely stuffed with gorgeous new minis - you can find our unboxing of the new box here and our review of the contents here - but putting together and painting everything...

Army Showcase: The Ot Neba Chapter and Crawling Towards a Painted Army

I’ve been asked a few times to make an army showcase for my boys.  This has been a pretty significant project I’ve worked on for a solid decade, so I wanted to put some work into it. I plan...

Getting Canned: Promethium Forge Product Reviews

I wanted to have a home gaming setup for when COVID finally does go away and we can return to playing games on something approaching a regular schedule. I also drink an unhealthy(?) amount of craft beer. After stumbling...

Honest Wargamer objective marker review. (They are a flat circle, ~fin)

Today Eifert Posting is reviewing the objective markers from Honest Wargamer. You can find them on their product page here. So I am building up my home gaming area and one thing that I didn’t really have is objective markers....

The Neighbor’s Lawn: A Display Case that’s NOT a Detolf (!)

After Testor’s plastic glue, Ikea’s Detolf might be the single most universal 3rd party accessory in our hobby.  I have had one to display my models for going on 12-13 years and it is amazing for the price. That...

Blurred light: An Alternative Method for Painting Power Swords

I’m not a big fan of the subtle power sword effect favored by ‘Eavy Metal, I don’t feel it’s super visible from the tabletop and I want my opponent to be able to easily make out weapon options that...

The Fabricator General: Rating Your Workspace, or Your Desk Sucks, Part 2

In our Fabricator General series, we cover large projects or those with lots of building and construction and custom work. This week, we’re talking about existing work spaces and how to improve your space. Welcome back! Since our previous article...

Your Desk Sucks: Making a Better Workspace

In our Fabricator General series, we cover large projects or those with lots of building and construction and custom work. This week, we're covering how to plan, build, and stock a good workspace for your hobby needs. I really do...

Painting them Tan and Blue boys -Blacklined Power Armor

I’ve had a lot of questions about how I accomplish my scheme for my home-brew chapter “Ot Neba.” This is a specific guide for my scheme.  The steps could be used to paint any reasonably bright power armor, though...

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Necromunday – WYSIWYG Roundtable

a tile layout of news at the MSN homescreen, half of which are outright scams, one of which is Magic Johnson talking about bringing peace to the crips and bloods, and the centerpiece of which is a
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