Jefferson Powers

How to Paint Everything: Star Wars Shatterpoint Fearless and Inventive Squad Pack

Visually the Fearless and Inventive squad pack offers some nice variation, with Luke Skywalker’s striking black costume and green lightsaber, Leia and Lando’s palace disguises, and a fancy drinks tray for R2.

How to Paint Everything: Star Wars Shatterpoint This is Some Rescue Squad Pack

Jefferson Powers takes a look at how to paint the crazy kids from the Death Star escape in A New Hope in HTPE: This Is Some Rescue for Star Wars Shatterpoint.

Turn Order: Star Schlock – The Goonhammer Review

Have you ever wondered what might happen if the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise beamed down to the Planet of the Apes? Well, wonder no more. Star Schlock is here with the tools to help you answer that question for yourself!

Turn Order: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Star Wars Unlimited

For Turn Order this week: focusing on fun over competitiveness, Jefferson's play group tries out some bottom of the barrel leaders in Star Wars Unlimited...

Star Trek: Star Realms — The Goonhammer Review

With its thematic focus on starships and space stations, Star Realms seems like a natural for a Star Trek reskin. Or does it?

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – That’s Good Business Squad Pack Review

The colorful and gregarious Hondo Ohnaka has had memorable team-ups with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ezra Bridger, and Chewbacca, among others, so he definitely won’t be out of place on a Shatterpoint battlefield.

Rock Hard: 1977 — The Goonhammer Review

We have games covering every conceivable topic, from fashion design to strolling through a national park. And now there’s a board game about making it big in the 1970s music scene.

How to Paint Everything: Star Wars Shatterpoint Witches of Dathomir Squad Pack

We look at how to paint the Witches of Dathomir, adding a splash of color and intrigue to your Shatterpoint forces.

The Mandalorian: Adventures – The Goonhammer Review

With its cast of colorful characters and mission-focused plot lines, Disney’s The Mandalorian seems ideal for an adventure game, and now it has one, thanks to veteran designer Corey Konieczka (Battlestar Galactica: the Board Game, Mansions of Madness, Star...

Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game Clone Wars Edition – The Goonhammer Review

Deck building games have been an extremely popular sub-genre of card game ever since the wildly successful Dominion first introduced the concept in 2008. It’s an easy format to plug just about any setting or I. P. into, and...

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