Aaron "Lenoon" Bowen

Goonhammer Historicals: A 24 Hour Saga in Normandy

The Goonhammer Historicals team have been getting very excited about SAGA recently. So much so that we've infected half the discord with a Victrix-kit-fuelled fervour for Historicals Skirmish gaming. Try as I might to keep us all focused on...

Hypersteel Nightmare: The Goonhammer Review

In the endless expanse of the far future multiverse, there is only one constant. On a billion planets in a million realities, swarms of tanks, mechs and aircraft slug it out in brutal combat. This is Hypersteel Nightmare, a...

Hobby 101: Sponge Painting

Sponge painting often gets relegated to adding texture to terrain, or for doing a bit of quick weathering on tanks, but it can be a valuable tool to all sorts of painting schemes from gritty blanchitsu-esque grimdarkness to helping...

Goonhammer Reads: The First World War

Summer 2024 marks the 110th anniversary of the cataclysmic events that led to World War I. Despite being one of the most pivotal events of the 20th century, WWI has not achieved nearly as much representation on the tabletop...

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic Foot Knights

Fresh out of the Foundries of Wargames Atlantic comes the Foot Knights (1150-1320) plastic boxed set, providing 24 highly detailed plastic Knights in a versatile kit that should prove to be a mainstay of Medieval gaming. I was bloody...

Making Toe Tanks

Warning: This article is disgusting. The images are disgusting. The reference images behind links are disgusting. The process is pretty disgusting. If you are squicked out by anything to do with toe or finger nails, please, just don't scroll...

Solar Auxilia Veletaris: The Goonhammer Review

Since the Auxilia box launched a couple of months ago, the designers working on Horus Heresy kits have been knocking it out of the park with high quality Solar Auxilia in plastic. This week we're having a look at...

Goonhammer Historicals Year of the Ship: The National Maritime Museum

This article is part of Goonhammer’s Year of the Ship. You can see the other articles in this series here. We've done the reading, and we've started playing, we've even found an excellent place to print ships. Now it's time to...

Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Reagan’s Roughnecks

Welcome to the end of history. The Wall is crumbling and will soon fall. Capitalism, so long merely one of the world's competing economic systems is on the verge of absolute, final, conclusive "victory", at least in the minds...

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic WW1 British Review

We're gearing up our coverage of First World War wargames in the Goonhammer Historicals Star Fort, whether that's discussing why it's a less popular war to game, looking at Weird War One, and the first of the plastic kits...

About Me

Has been playing wargames for too long, complaining about them for almost as long and attempting to write about them for about a year
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Updated Age of Sigmar Gloomspite Gitz Fourth Edition Battletome Review

The army box with new battletome is on pre-order and we have a new set of points already for all of the new gitmob units...and one other rules update.
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