Joe Aronow

Welcome to the Knight Café: A Review of the New Warhammer Store and Café in Tokyo

  After three years of not taking any real vacations, my wife and I decided that come hell or high water we were going to go somewhere cool by the end of 2022. Thankfully, Japan removed their tourism restrictions in...

Goonhammer Patron Hobby Roundup: December 2021 – Part 2

As promised, here is the second half of our December patron hobby round-up. If you missed part one, you can find it here. I hope you all enjoy checking out these models as much as I did! SoylentRobot I've done a...

Goonhammer Patron Hobby Roundup: December 2021 – Part 1

It's that time again! The Goonhammer Patron community has been hard at work doing Cool Hobby Stuffâ„¢, and it's been a while since we've showcased any of it. Since we have quite the backlog to catch up on, much...

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Detachment Focus: Explorator Maniple

We take a deep dive into the Explorator Maniple Detachment for the Adeptus Mechanicus, talking about what it does and how to play it.
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