
Battletech: Playing Your First Game

Welcome back to more Battletech. We have covered the starter boxes, currently available units, books, and other products, as well as a brief primer on the factions and timeline. This week we will talk about actually playing your first few games of the big cool robot game, and what a "Standard" game of Battletech even is.

Battletech: Faction Overview – Invader Clans

Battletech has a lot of factions. Up this week are the Invader Clans, the seven animal themed, Mongol empire LARPing, stupidly high tech, deranged honor cults who invaded from deep space. There are many more Clans, but the Homeworld Clans are mostly Free Worlds League levels of insignificant.

Battletech: Unit Roles

Battletech can be a byzantine game to understand sometimes. In the 40 years of this game being around, they have released hundreds of units with thousands of variants, and in order to force some order out of the chaos,...

Battletech: Faction Overview – Successor States

Battletech has a huge amount of factions, both major and minor, all of which are well fleshed out with long histories and appealing traits that can make one want to play them. One of the most interesting things about...

Battletech: Era Overview

  Battletech is a very, very long running wargame, and has had a constantly progressing metaplot over that entire period. With nearly 40 years of sourcebooks and lore to sift through, Catalyst has divided the timeline into several Eras, with...

Battletech: Expanding on the Starter Boxes: Clans and Mercenaries

Greetings Ristars and welcome to part two of the grand mistake that was choosing to review every mech CGL sells right now. This article will focus in on the Clan Star packs and the mechs contained within them. For...

Battletech: Expanding on the Starter Boxes – Books and Inner Sphere

  The starter boxes for Battletech offer an incredible amount of value for new players to the game, containing entire forces for the game, the mats you need to play on, and comprehensive rulebooks for the basic rules of the...

Battletech: An Introduction to the Game of Armored Combat

Hullo, my name is Peri and I am here to ramble incoherently about how awesome Battletech is! Battletech is a wargame that has been around since the 1980s, and was part of the initial wave of Sci Fi and...

About Me

Peri is a grognard displaced in time, far too young for their titanic love of old ass game systems and violent defense of THAC0 as a concept. Peri is also the BNC-3Q's strongest soldier.
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Detachment Focus: Scintillating Legion (Updated February 17, 2025)

Merry Grotmas! Games Workshop is releasing a new series of detachments - one per army, every day until Christmas....
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