Samuel Sweeten

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – We Don’t Need Their Scum Tactics

We’re back for another tactics article! This time, the We Don’t Need Their Scum Unit Pack! To start with a personal note, I am extremely excited for this release. Since my childhood, the mystique of bounty hunters tickled my...

About Me

As a fan of both miniature skirmish gaming and Star Wars, Shatterpoint quickly became Samuel's favorite game upon release. As a Shatterpoint Grand Tournment champion and co-host of Zion's Finest: A Star Wars Shatterpoint Podcast, Samuel's analysis leans towards the strategic depth of the game over hobby aspects.
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Detachment Focus: Cohort Cybernetica

In our Detachment Focus series we take a deep dive into an army’s Detachments, covering what’s in them, how...
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