Daniel "Skails" Rodenberg

How to Paint Hive Fleet Kronos – Skails’ Method

This article is part of a larger series on How to Paint Tyranids. To return to that series, click here. Hive Fleet Kronos have a stronger connection to the Tyranid Hive Mind than most, and have adapted to fighting the hordes...

How to Paint Hive Fleet Jormungandr – Skails’ Method

This article is part of a larger series on How to Paint Tyranids. To return to that series, click here. This scheme is based on the color and pattern of a black and yellow garden spider (argiope aurantia). It's been...

How to Paint Everything: Power Weapons, Enchanted Weapons, and Lightsabers

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint, well, everything, with a look at different styles and approaches from different artists. In this article we're looking at how to paint both power weapons and...

Hobby Heresy: Smash Bash Kitbash Event 2023 recap

Smash Bash, the kitbash event put on by @totally_not_panicking on Instagram, wrapped up its third season at the end of June. In case you missed it, you can check out last year’s result here. The Contest A theme was introduced for...

Darren Latham’s 90’s Marine Challenge

Back in early July Darren Latham (Miniature Designer and former Senior ‘Eavy Metal painter for Games Workshop) announced he wanted to run an event to celebrate reaching  90,000 Instagram followers. For the event he wanted everyone interested in participating to paint...

Hobby 101: How to Use Wet and Dry Painting Palettes

Over the years the Goonhammer crew have put together a vast and expansive library of painting guides. Appropriately titled “How to Paint Everything” we’ve got schemes and recipes for 100s of models. They all, however, assume you know the difference between...

Slug Wizards: A Miniatures Competition

In March of 2021 I began to see posts in my Instagram feed about Slug Wizard Spring. It was an open online event inviting people to kitbash, sculpt, or otherwise create their own Slug Wizard. The concept had gained...

How to Paint Everything: Weathered Copper/Bronze and Patina

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with different methods and approaches from different artists. Today we're looking at how to paint weathered bronze and copper. Around 8000 BCE humans began using...

Hobby Heresy: Necropolis Sellsword Challenge

This project is the creation of an undead sellsword for the first Necropolis Kitbash Challenge (details here). Rolling 3D10 on the Endless City Sellsword chart resulted in the prompt ‘Doomed Witch of Greed’. The optional extra table gave me...

Skails’ 2022 Year in Review

Last year my goal was to get 2000 points of Soulblight Gravelords painted, including the Revenant Legion box set. While I didn’t nearly make that goal, I did get nearly half the set done and get into lots of...

About Me

He/Him Skails is a hobby enthusiast with a focus on painting and converting miniatures. He started with Warhammer Fantasy Battles in the late 90’s with Undead and Vampire Counts, then Necrons and Imperial Guard for 40k. In 2017 he ended a more than 10 year hobby hiatus. Currently he is building a Soulblight Gravelords army and revisiting the undead models that drew him in initially.
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Updated Age of Sigmar Gloomspite Gitz Fourth Edition Battletome Review

The army box with new battletome is on pre-order and we have a new set of points already for all of the new gitmob units...and one other rules update.
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