Rocco Gest

Long Island Wargames Crusade: Welcome to Nox Veritas

We're previewing the local campaigns that are part of the larger Vadinax campaign this week, starting with Nox Veritas, run by Long Island Wargames.

Commander Focus: Watch Your Step! (Iroas, God of Victory)

You find yourself in a field. You don’t know how you got there, where the field is, or what day it is. You see barbed wire and the backs of signs in the distance and start to panic. There...

Rocco’s Year in Review: Space Marines, Blood Bowl, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Oh My!

2022. It's been a long year. I went to a lot of big 40k events, a lot of concerts, and picked up an old hobby. It’s been a long year. I really dove head first into the hobby in...

Blunderdome 2 Round 3: Rocco Mugs Norman and Closes Out the Tournament Recap

Welcome back to Blunderdome 2 for the last time! This is the final round and will determine the ultimate champion of this hellscape of our own design. I’m taking over for Norman this time around. I’ve mugged him and...

Rocco’s Road to US Open Grand Finale – Part Final – I Lied in the Last One

Welcome back to the story of me preparing for a big Warhammer event. Except the event already happened and it’s over. I’m back home writing this at my desk. I’m not playing Warhammer. I took a sick day. Life...

Rocco’s Road to US Open Grand Finale – Part 1 – Big Tonk Acquired

The big finale of the Games Workshop US Open series of events is this week in Albuquerque and we’ve got a host of Goonhammer authors attending nearly every event. In these Road to articles our authors will talk about...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Start Competing: Goat Format

Did you play Yu-Gi-Oh! on the playground with your friends? Is new Yu-Gi-Oh! too complicated for you? Do you just want to relive those old school yard days? Then have I got the format for you! Good evening (or morning,...

Commander Focus: Vito, the Dusk Rose

They let me back in. This time I’m here with another Halloween themed deck (though the first one wasn’t intentionally Halloween themed), mono-black, vampire-tribal helmed by Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose. This isn’t a particularly novel deck or idea...

In Retrospect: In Retrospect: A Retrospective

“Are you prepared to travel back into your memories and tell me about your life, in retrospect? Craft your own story and gameplay based on which collectibles you focus on! Health, wealth, love, education, creativity, or spirituality? What direction...


Hot on the heels of NOVA Open 2022, I bring to you Team Imperium's account of the GHO 2022 narrative event. If you are an avid reader of the site, then you may have heard of a little something called...

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Hammer of Math: The Good Meta, the Bad Meta, and the In-Between

In this week's Hammer of Math, we take a look at faction win rates for top Elo players and how those compare to players with lower scores - is there a different meta for top players?
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