Content We Liked, 11/3/2019

The Week Ending November 2nd, 2019

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the prior week you might have missed. Here’s what we liked this week:

In the Wild:

  • Episode 60: Ignorant Grox-Fondlers
    The 40kBadcast
    Dan and SRM are back this week with a new episode of their podcast, taking about regional ice creams, poop, and 40k books.
  • Hatty’s Halloween Great Unclean One
    @hattsandsocks on Twitter
    By far our favorite Halloween conversion, the paint job on this Great Unclean One is just fantastic and we love how it evokes the season, right down to the dead leaves on the base.
  • Pete Allison’s Warmongers Progress
    @runebrush on Twitter
    We really like the work Pete’s been putting in on his Warmongers units, especially this very sharp-looking warlord with scythe and spirits.
  • John Ashton’s Fulgrim Shoulderpad
    @The_John_Ashton on Twitter
    *slaps roof of shoulder pad* You can fit so much freakin’ detail in this thing
  • NIcholas Vogt’s FIrst Claw
    @vogt_nicholas on Twitter
    We’ve already talked about our love of converting book characters as 40k models, and Nicholas’ First Claw is one of the best examples we’ve seen. Just phenomenal work.
  • Ricki Smith’s Midnight Queen Conversion
    A fantastic conversion with a very cool concept for the base, showcasing a floating character and terrain surrounding her.
  • Rhu’s Lancer Knights
    Rhu on Instagram

    If you aren’t following the insane work Rhu’s been doing with his renegade knights armies, you’re missing out. Just some insanely good work going into these.

  • Coda’s Painting Stream
    Coda streams at weird hours owing to being in Australia, but it’s worth your time to stop in on his stream when you can.

On Goonhammer:

Another week stuffed with content — I couldn’t even fit it all below! If there’s anything you missed, I’d recommend going back and reading it — it was all great stuff.

  • The Narrative Forge: Painting Graffiti
    by Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones
    In this week’s Narrative Forge, Robert looked at how you can spruce up your urban terrain by covering it in graffiti, and looked at the types of graffiti and how to achieve realistic results.
  • Hammer of Math: Thunderdome
    by Kevin Genson
    This week, Kevin dove into the stats to answer the question: What’s the best Smash Captain for wrecking a Knight?
  • Necromunday: Campaign Progression Part 3 – Reps, Brutes, and Hangers-on
    by Dan “SexCannon” Boyd and Merton
    In this week’s Necromunday the boys looked at how you can use rep and spend your credits to add a bunch of scurrilous mercs to your gang.
  • Warlord Wednesdays: Choosing a Maniple
    by Garrett “John Condit” Severson

    This week, Garrett talks about how to choose a Maniple for your AT forces.
  • Your Warlord Sucks
    by Greg “Greg” Chiasson and Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones
    The boys are back on their bullshit, talking about the warlords of the 41st millennium and which one is the dumbest. Spoiler: It’s Kaayvan “I already got my MCR reunion tickets” Shrike.
  • Start Competing: Thousand Sons
    by Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones and RagnarokAngel
    This week, Robert tackled everything you need to know about running Thousand Sons competitively. And some things you didn’t!
  • Never Gonna Give You Up(Dates): Chaos Space Marine Tactics in Kill Team
    by TheChirurgeon and NovemberMike
    This week, Robert and Novembermike wrote up a detailed guide to running Chaos Space Marine Kill Teams.
  • Hear Me Out, Wings! Birds of Goon
    by Chase “Gunum” Garber
    This week, Chase tortured Wings with his harebrained schemes around Dark Angel Fliers.
  • Astartes Geneology Online: Goonhammer Successors
    by Coda the Cool and Good
    Coda and the gang put together a detailed piece on how they plan to run their custom chapters this week, and what rules they’re planning to use now that all the supplements are out.