Content We Liked, 8/11/2019

The Week Ending August 11, 2019

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Warhammer digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the prior week you might have missed. Here’s what we liked this week:

In the Wild:

  • 40K Badcast Episode 55 – “75% Pizza”
    The 40k Badcast
    In this week’s episode of the Badcast, the boys are back on their bullshit, talking about new space marines and gatekeeping in the hobby.
  • Glazing Tutorial
    Darren Latham
    Darren Latham did a great Glazing Tutorial this week on his Instagram.
  • GW Daily Painting Guides Return
    Warhammer Community
    We were happy to see Games Workshop pick up the daily painting guides and tips again. It’s good content.
  • Coda’s Painting Stream
    Coda streams at weird hours owing to being in Australia, but it’s worth your time to stop in on his stream when you can.
  • Ray Dranfield on Twitter
    Ray’s the chief designer of all the excellent Games Workshop plastic terrain kits that have been coming out, and his Twitter feed features lots of hobbies and tips for working with the terrain and making cool stuff.This


On Goonhammer:

Another big week for Goonhammer content, starting with our How to Paint Everything series on Ynnari and ending with our guide to Astra Militarum tactics.