A Song of Ice and Fire: Free Folk

This week's guest article is written by Robert Cantrell. Cantrell has had a lot of success as an Infinity player, but has been experimenting recently with Song of Ice and Fire.   “Wait a minute, you’re not Thanqol!”Indeed I am not...

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Targaryen

  Before I get into it, I want to acknowledge that the Dothraki as they are presented in Game of Thrones are kind of a racist caricature of steppe nomad culture. Bret Devereaux has written a fantastic series examining this...

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Stark

It's been a few weeks since our last update on House Lannister; thank you for your patience. The good news is that delay has been a productive one - I've been getting in as many practice games with House...

Song of Ice and Fire: House Lannister

Welcome back to our coverage of the A Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game. If you missed the first article in our series with an introduction to the game, you can find it here. A disclaimer before we begin: I...

A Song Of Ice And Fire: Initiative And Alternating Activations

Welcome back to our coverage of the A Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game. If you missed the first article in our series with an introduction to the game, you can find it here. A Song of Ice And...

Rank, Flank and Fire: A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game

  Remember for a moment that Game of Thrones was five seasons of the best television ever produced. A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures is an amazing miniatures game, marketed abysmally. When I bought in, I did so entirely at...