
The Astradus Campaign: Starting the Campaign

Welcome back, everyone! In my previous article, I wrote about the rules and mechanics of the campaign and how we created custom warmasters for players to use. This time I'm going to talk about setting everything up for the...

The Astradus Campaign, Part 2: Warmasters

In my previous article about the campaign, I wrote about the campaign's basic setup and the card system we're using for conquered assets throughout the campaign. This time, I'm going to talk about the custom warlord mechanics that we're...

Introducing the Astradus Campaign

Hello again, readers! You may remember my article series on running campaigns in 40k. You may also remember that I've only posted 2 articles in the series, short of my original promises. Well, I'm back with a new article...

Product Review: Urban Conquest

One of the products I've been most excited about since it's somewhat under-the-radar reveal back in November is Urban Conquest, a Warhammer 40,000 campaign supplement designed around playing campaigns in hive cities. I just picked up a copy this weekend,...

How to Run a Campaign Part 2: Narrative Campaigns

So my previous article of 5,000 words on the basics of campaigns didn’t scare you off, huh? Well, here’s a shitload more. This week I’m going to be discussing Narrative Campaigns. Narrative Campaigns are the type you most commonly see...

The Paulus Campaign Apocalypse

Hello again! This is a follow-up to my last post, wherein I talked about the big ending to the campaign I've been running and the game setup. If you're interested in the mechanics of this five-player game and the...

How to Run a 40k Campaign, Part 1: The Basics

At some point, I think just about every 40k player thinks about running or playing in a campaign. After all, what's cooler than the idea of having sweeping battles, where your army competes with others for the fate of...

Eighth Edition Zone Mortalis Rules

As soon as I saw the new Necromunda Underhive tiles, I knew that I wanted to incorporate them into my ongoing 40k campaign somehow (more on that in a future post). While ship-based combat has been well fleshed-out in...