Commander Focus

Commander Focus: Tazri, Beacon of Unity (but not of winning)

A long time ago, in a meta far far away, General Tazri was a top tier cEDH commander, and a shell for food chain. Food chain relies on a relatively rare ability: Cards that can be cast from exile. The...

Commander Focus: Omnath, Locus of Creation

Credit: Chris Rahn, Wizards of the Coast One of the more exciting cards to come out of Zendikar Rising for Commander players is probably Omnath, Locus of Creation. We might call this Omnath the IV, or Omnath's fourth iteration. Hopefully,...

Commander Focus: Slay Queen Marchesa

Image credit: Kieran Yanner, Wizards of the Coast In Commander Focus, Pseudanonymous looks at key Commanders, how to build around them, and what makes their decks work. In this first installment, he’s looking at Queen Marchesa. Queen Marchesa represents a stable platform...

Commander Focus: Atraxa

In Commander Focus, Pseudanonymous looks at key Commanders, how to build around them, and what makes their decks work. In this first installment, he’s looking at Atraxa, Praetors' Voice. Atraxa, Praetors’ Voice is a  powerful and flexible commander that has...

Commander Focus: Golos, Sleeping Pilgrim

In Commander Focus, Pseudanonymous looks at key Commanders, how to build around them, and what makes their decks work. In this first installment, he's looking at Golos, Tireless Pilgrim. Among the storied tales of tier 0 commanders are such legends...