
Boon’s US Open Grand Finale – A Best Overall Finish

During the period of November 17th to the 19th, the Games Workshop US Open Grand Finale was held at lovely Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort in picturesque Albuquerque, New Mexico. The finals closed out GW's 2022 competitive series and took...

Building a Warhound: Contemptor Kevin Recaps the US Open Workshop, Part 1

Hello Readers! The final event of the GW Open Series for 2022 is in the books - the GW US Open Finale! An adventure to the middle of the New Mexico desert the weekend before Thanksgiving was not really what...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 29: Day 3 of the GW Finale Narrative

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing journey through a 2022 packed with Warhammer. In my last article, I talked about Day 1 at the event, and my first two games, plus some of the extracurriculars. With the 50 PL...

The GW Open Series Finale Preview: The Kill Team Bracket

This weekend marks the end of the 2022 season of Games Workshop events, culminating in a massive finale event this weekend in New Mexico that sees champions from some of this year's biggest events square off in a series...

Gunum’s Road to the GW US Open Finale Narrative Event

The big finale of the Games Workshop US Open series of events is next week in Albuquerque and we've got a host of Goonhammer authors attending nearly every event. In these Road to articles our authors will talk about...

Lounging about at a Lard Day 

Too Fat Lardies, purveyor of many historical rulesets, has a unique way of trying out their games. I went to Lardwerp, an event that gave me a taste of some rulesets I was keen to try out in a...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 16: The 2022 Goonhammer Open

Hello again, Dear Reader and welcome back to my ongoing journal though 2022. In my previous entry I talked about my experiences at the Lone Star Open GT and playing in those games. I pushed myself a little too...

2022: Warhammer Finally Arrives at San Diego ComiCon

The Las Vegas Open. Adepticon. The NoVa Open. The Warhammer Open. A wargaming convention or Warhammer tournament is an absolutely amazing thing. It's nerd summer camp, where for a few days you leave behind work, your family, your dog...

Announcing the Goonhammer Open Maryland 2022

We’re excited to announce that the GHO event series will be returning to Rockville, Maryland this August 13th and 14th! Check out a video from our last event there: You can look forward to an 50 player 40k GT, a...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 11: The Seattle Open

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing trudge through the year 2022 toward some measure of competitive decency. You may recall that my last update was only a week ago, in which I regaled everyone with my tales of...