grey knights

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Beast Mode pt.2

Friday means it's time for more exciting tournament results, this time hosted by Lowest of Men. Today we'll be covering: Smite Club Open 2024 - 40K World Championships Qualifier Kassel Cup Singles - Alpine Cup Shanghai Sanlin Warhammer Chinese championship ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Beast Mode pt.1

We're in short intro mode this week because I spent the weekend running the GHO UK (see below) and am still recovering from the classic TO's mix of not enough sleep and a very late drive home on the...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Lion, the Witchhunters and the Warpcoven pt.2

Lowest of Men: Guess what nerds, somebody has had enough sleep and some time to prep and that means you're all getting a preamble, arguably the best kind of amble there is! With the news that the arrival of Blood Angels...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Lion, the Witchhunters and the Warpcoven pt.1

It's another big week out there, with a massive thirteen events, and as the title suggests we're getting a pretty clear view of who the metagame's front runners are. To be clear, the metagame is pretty healthy as these things...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Twisted Firestarters pt.2

Part 2. We're busy. You're busy. Intoductory paragraphs are a nice-to-have. Today Lowest of Men is covering: Krootcon 2024 Mountain View Mayhem 4th Annual 40k Charity Tournament Medhammer GT 2024 Games and Stuff 40K Event Hosted by Away Games Brighton...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Twisted Firestarters pt.1

The twists and turns of the metagame continue, this week bringing the Thousand Sons and Adepta Sororitas to the forefront after a few weeks of Dark Angel domination. There's still plenty of other stuff going on, but as you'll...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Mayhem in Mechelen pt.3 – WTC Teams

Teams! We love a bit of Teams! The WTC is both one of the largest Team events of the year and kicks off the season where a bunch of smaller (but still very large) Team events fire the world over....

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Mayhem in Mechelen pt.2

We're back for part 2 of the singles segment of this week's Competitive Innovations, with Lowest of Men taking a look at the other half of the events from last weekend. Tomorrow (Saturday), Wings will be back to review the...

Boarding Actions 10th Edition Compendium Review: Imperium Factions

Rather than try and cover every Detachment in the upcoming 10th edition Boarding Actions Compendium in a single article, we've broken the review of the book's detachments down into the game's three broad superfactions: Imperium, Chaos, and Xenos. In...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Parade pt.3

Lowest of Men: Sorry this one is coming in a little bit late folks - there was an election in the UK overnight that caught my attention. Anyway! On with this round up of games, featuring some of the dying...