grey knights

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Always Be Charging pt.2

Part two of Competitive Innovations, and melee meta continues - but not without a fight.  The Thousand Sons continue holding some of the tide at bay in the US, while from down under we've got some great insight from...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Always Be Charging pt.1

The Dataslate has had time to sink in, and as well as re-shuffling the factions it's brought a wider meta shift. Crunch meta is (mostly) OUT and melee meta is IN. Between Space Wolves, Orks, World Eaters and Blood...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: 2x Gorky 3x Krump pt.1

As ever, after a few quiet weeks for events we're back into a blowout weekend, so you're getting another three part extravaganza as the new Dataslate and books fully kick in. Top billing obviously goes to the US Open...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Grey Nice

We're in a bit of a holding pattern this week, as there weren't too many big events and (as sometimes happens when a balance update hits) people have fallen back on some reliably brutal builds to stomp on anyone...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Cybork Bullying pt.2

It's me (Wings) in charge again today, freeing me to be monstrously self-indulgent and write about a Showdown I was in. I won't say that no one can stop me, because there are several people who probably could, but...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: A Challenger Approaches pt.1

You're all at it again, I see. It's another bumper-sized 15-event week, so we're once again going for three parts. Plenty of the usual suspects are out and about, slamming a last few games in the pre-dataslate world, but...

The Q2 2024 Warhammer 40K Balance Update – Imperium

After nearly three months, it’s time for another quarterly update for Warhammer 40,000 and this time it’s just points. Today’s points update gives us updated points for every faction in the game, though as usual some have been touched...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Good Guard pt.1

The metagame is (presumably) on borrowed time, and this week it's the Astra Militarum's turn to take a big swing at the Necron menace, with a reasonable degree of success. The Thousand Sons and Sororitas are getting in on...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Variety Show pt.1

We're coming towards the end of the current metagame, with the activation of three new books and a Balance Dataslate all on the horizon, and with that in mind it's impressive and encouraging how diverse the top tables are...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Five Alarm Phaerons pt.3

It's Friday, so that means it's time for the epic conclusion of this week's Competitive Innovations, just in time for you to all go out and play more events. We'll get that boulder up the hill eventually. It's Lowest of Men...