imperial guard

Model Review: Astra Militarum Kasrkin Kill Team

Kill Team: Shadowvaults brings modern plastic re-sculpts of old fan favorite Kasrkin back to 40k. These first released (in white metal) back in 4th edition before eventually vanishing and being replaced by Tempestus Scions, which filled the same role...

Miniature Review: Wargames Atlantic Grognards

Thanks to Wargames Atlantic for sending these over to us for review. "Grognard" is a term I know well - I use it, I've been called it, I build it, so when Wargames Atlantic's Les Grognards kit arrived, I was...

Nephilim Faction Focus: Astra Militarum

Welcome to War Zone: Nephilim! There’s never been a shake-up this large during an edition of 40k, and in June Games Workshop dropped a new missions pack with all-new secondaries, changed how CP works in games, published new, all-digital...

2Q22 Post-Dataslate Focus: Scott Horras Talks Astra Militarum

Games Workshop dropped its Q2 Balance Dataslate for 40k in mid-April, dramatically changing a number of key factions. Astra Militarum, Marines and Sisters were buffed, Harlequins, T’au, and Custodes were nerfed, and some key game rules were changed. Now...

War Zone Nachmund Faction Focus: Astra Militarum

The first competitive season for 40k has arrived, with War Zone: Nachmund giving us new points, missions, secondary objectives, and rules to contemplate. These rules represent a major shake-up for competitive 40k and to help you make sense of...

New Year, New Armies: The Malifean 6th

In New Year New Armies Lupe attempts to go from a Warhammer Zero with no playable forces for any mainline Games Workshop game, to a Warhammer Hero with an army for each of Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, and...

New Year, New Armies: An Exercise in Foolishness

At the end of 2021 I came to a startling realisation: despite being heavily involved in the warhammer community, writing for Goonhammer and spending most of my time talking to other wargaming nerds on the internet, I didn’t actually...

A Plasma Gun and a Flak Jacket: Astra Militarum Kill Team Tactics

The ever reliable Imperial Guard get looked at today. While they don’t have all the options that Veteran Guard do, they still give you an interesting team to play, and a lot of modelling opportunities. Their entry in the...

How to Paint Everything: Rockfish’s Totally Loyal Guards

Those of you who have seen our August Hobby Round-up will have noticed that in addition to starting GSC I had a guard sentinel in the same colour scheme, this is essentially the cheat I am doing to say...

Start Competing: Astra Militarum Tactics

This page now references an out of date edition of the game. For Start Competing: Astra Militarum in 10th edition and onwards, please click here. If you've just been introduced to a galaxy filled with near-immortal super-soldiers, intergalactic alien invaders,...