Kill Team

A Loser’s Guide to Playing Corsair Voidscarred in the Kill Team GT at Warhammerfest 2023

This week, guest author Phil Riris stops in to talk about his experiences playing Corsair Voidscarred at the Kill Team GT during Warhammer Fest 2023. Let me start this recap by saying that I am not a competitive player. I...

Votann Join the Fray: Goonhammer Reviews the Hearthkyn Salvager Kill Team

Kill Team Gallowfall introduces us to two new kill teams, each of which is approaching the space hulk environment with a different skill set. Beastmen are the new melee horde in town, and the Hearthkyn are their more ranged...

Unboxing Kill Team Gallowfall

It's the last ride for the Gallowdark, and it is ready to go out with a bang! The fourth and final and final installment of this close quarters-focused season is Gallowfall. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing an...

THE GOATS ARE GOING TO WAR: Goonhammer Reviews the Fellgor Ravagers Kill Team

Gallowfall is the final release of the Gallowdark season for Kill Team, and in the boxed set we're introduced to two new kill teams: Leagues of Votann and Fellgor Ravagers, a team comprised of savage beastmen. In this article,...

Roundtable: All the Kill Team Reveals from Warhammer Fest 2023

This past weekend was Warhammer Fest, and in addition to competitive play and preview games of 10th edition the event had a ton of new reveals, including a surprising amount of upcoming releases for Kill Team coming in the...

Kill Team Tactics: Compendium Craftworlds

Do you really like elves, but not the dark, clown, or new-age vaguely Slaanesh-like kind? Are you the kind of person who insists on using the name "Asuryani" to refer to your 40k army? Do you just really not...

Kill Team Tactics: Intercession Squad Kill Teams (Updated 4/20/2023)

Space Marine Intercession Teams arrived in August 2022, shortly before Into the Dark and the Annual threw another four teams into the mix along with a new mode of play. This was the biggest shake up the game had...

To the Stars and Beyond – Kill Team Tactics: Elucidian Starstriders (Updated 4/19/2023)

Released with Kill Team: Rogue Trader, the Elucidian Starstriders are a unique Kill Team that are challenging to play an difficult to recommend competitively, but they have some great models. Also they have a dog.

Interviewing the Top 3 Kill Team Players from Adepticon!

Hi everyone! Adepticon has wrapped, with plenty of new Kill Team story lines in the books. We’ve got Goonhammer's ArmorofContempt in the top 3, and a young blood taking the top slot! I’m sure we’re all very interested in...

TheArmorOfContempt’s Road To Adepticon – To Come So Far…Only To Fail

Adepticon 2023 has drawn to a close and I had another fantastic weekend. Unlike previous Adepticons, I felt like I got the perfect amount of gaming in, leaving with a strong sense of accomplishment as opposed to a ravenous...