
Mikey Mouse Club #11 – I Hate THE META!

When my kids and I first started playing in the weekly Lorcana league at our usual FLGS, it had incredible turnout- the first couple of weeks had attendance upwards of 80 players. This is an absurd number of players,...

Mikey Mouse Club #10 – Pirates and Puppies

We have the full set of Rise of the Inklands in our hands now and folks: It’s wild. Who could have expected that there would be so much Tailspin representation, let alone several cards from The Rescuers – quite...

Mikey Mouse Club #9 – Robin Hood!

Into the Inklands launched yesterday and it looks like anybody that wants to buy is going to be able to do so at reasonable prices. Folks, don’t buy from scalpers and if your FLGS is charging over retail (as mine...

Mikey Mouse Club #9 – Into the Inklands Preview!

It’s hard to believe it, but here we are looking at the third Lorcana set approaching on the horizon- Febuary 23rd for the FLGS drop, a couple of weeks later for Targets and so forth. We are heading Into...

Mikey Mouse Club #8 The 10 Best Rise of the Floodborn Cards

Now that the dust has cleared and Rise of the Floodborn is maturing, the best cards (at least in my opinion) are starting to rise to the surface. And no, Tuk Tuk, Pacha, and Rabbit are not among them....

Mikey Mouse Club #7 – The Best of the First Chapter

It seems like you can’t walk into a Target these days without finding Lorcana in stock. Over the holidays, I saw quite literally hundreds of boosters on shelf pegs. We’ve got more than our fill of the supposed “endorphin...

Mikey Mouse Club #6 – The Storybook TCG

In my days of writing about board games, it was always important to me to express that games can be a powerful tool for creating narrative experiences. It can be magical to watch mechanisms, game states, context, interaction, and...

Mikey Mouse Club #5 – Unhand Him, By Order of the Princess!

With the introduction of the Rise of the Floodborn set, the scope of Lorcana’s deckbuilding possibilities has expanded tremendously. In many ways, the new set effectively completes what was started by The First Chapter. There were almost hints of...

Mickey Mouse Club #4 – Pixelborn

We’re almost there. Lorcana is starting to become at least somewhat more available and folks are -gasp- walking into Target and finding not only Rise of the Floodborn boosters, but also First Chapter boosters. Ravensburger may have burgered up...

Mikey Mouse Club #3 – Is Lorcana Worth It? (A Review)

As I write this review, it’s been just a couple of weeks since Lorcana’s second set, Rise of the Floodborn debuted in a limited, LGS-focused release ahead of its 12/1 general release a big-box stores. The release was an...