
Blunderdome 2 Lists: Tyranids and Harlequins

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to the sacred battlegrounds of the second BLUNDERDOME. For those of you who missed yesterday’s announcement on this year’s Blunderdome, you can find the article with more info on the event here. The short version is,...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Flame On

The Balance Dataslate has hit the metagame, and Chaos reigns - literally. Between Flamers of Tzeentch and the best two Chaos Space Marine legions, the ruinous powers are very much running amok, but they're far from the only faction...

How to Paint Hive Fleet Snagglepuss – PantsOptional’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on How to Paint Tyranids. To return to that series, click here. After spending most of 2017 painting Iron Warriors for Horus Heresy, I had a desperate need for colors other than dirty...

The Q4 2022 40k Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

It’s finally that time again – the design studio have gazed upon the metagame, rotated it in their minds, and made some tweaks aimed at leveling the playing field. Let’s take a look at what’s changed, and what it...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Windy City Warfare

War doesn't stand still, and while we're still somewhat in Balance Dataslate waiting room, there's plenty to talk about on the battlefields of the 41st Millenium, with a US supermajor going into the books in Chicago, and plenty of...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Major Mayhem pt.2

Major Mayhem continues, despite it disappointingly not being the month of May. Someone should get on that. Today we've got three more of aforesaid majors to take a look at, and two GTs - the Mother of all Battles...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Conspicuously Pachyderm-Free Room

Plenty more Warhammer this weekend past, and lots of Warhammer on the one coming up. The biggest London Grand Tournament yet is going to be the largest single showcase for the Nephilim metagame so far, and should give us a...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Segmentum Pacificus Rim

We've got some blowout weeks coming up, but for the first time in ages the weekend just past was relatively quiet. In 2022, that means we merely have two majors and two big GTs to look at, but hey, I've...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Lone Heroes

Apologies for being a day late - I'm recovering from a bout of COVID! Nephilim continues to be very popular, but it's fair to say that this week mostly feels like we've hit the point where the metagame has fully consolidated...

Start Competing: Tyranid Tactics

Competitively, Tyranids have had a history of suffering, let's just get that out of the way. Certainly there were a few bright spots along the way, but those were few and far between the decades of lackluster rules that...