
Goonhammer Model Review: Kroot Hound and Lonespear

The second wave of new Kroot releases is going up for preorder today, and Rockfish has been grinding away on a few of the new ones. As always, we'd like to thank Games Workshop for sending us free preview...

The Old World April 9 FAQ

Introduction Falcon: They did it! They really did it! The SDS (specialist design studio) team has done it again, coming out hot with an extensive FAQ for the Old World mere months into its launch. And folks, it’s a really...

The Old World: Shooting and Volley Fire

With a new edition of a rank and flank game comes the question: how many ranks is the right number? This will vary drastically between player, army, and unit but for volley firing arrows it's a little easier to...

Minimagtray the Magnetic Movement Tray Review

A thank you to MinimagTRAY for sending us a large range of products to review!  To tray or not to tray? This is hardly ever a question amongst rank-and-flank gamers and Old World has sparked a newfound love for square-based...

Games Industry News Roundup- March 12th, 2024

Here at Goonhammer, we know that it’s hard to keep track of all the news happening all the time in the games industry. So much is always going on with games of all sorts, and their related media, it...

Games Industry News Roundup- March 5th, 2024

The chilly nights of February give way to the warm mornings of March, meaning that Spring is upon us. Well, technically, it’s upon us in about three weeks, but let’s be real. Only dorks recognize when a season starts...

UTC ANNOUNCEMENT: 2024 Conference Expansion!

We're making some big changes to the UTC, expanding the circuit to include a greater portion of North America.

How to Paint Everything: FutureProof Modular Terrain

Have terrain? Will paint! Take a look at our step-by-step guides to paint FutureProof Modular Terrain.

FutureProof Modular Terrain: Timeless Like RoboCop, or Eternal Shame Like RoboCop 3? – The Goonhammer Review

FutureProof Modular Terrain is hot on Kickstarter. Check out our hands-on review (feat. RoboCop references, for some reason).

The Lore Explainer: Flesh Eater Courts

You have been haunted by nightmares for months; visions of indescribable horror. You scramble from your sodden bed, shrieking. Your good lady quips it is the late-night feasting that’s to blame. Perhaps one should not eat so well. It...