
Erik’s Road to the GW Open Narrative Finale, Part 1: Avoiding Black Rage

Hello, Dear reader. As part of the larger series of articles about us getting hype for the GW Narrative Open US Finale event, Goonhammer invited some of us Patron attendees to submit articles about the run up to and...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Windy City Warfare

War doesn't stand still, and while we're still somewhat in Balance Dataslate waiting room, there's plenty to talk about on the battlefields of the 41st Millenium, with a US supermajor going into the books in Chicago, and plenty of...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Conspicuously Pachyderm-Free Room

Plenty more Warhammer this weekend past, and lots of Warhammer on the one coming up. The biggest London Grand Tournament yet is going to be the largest single showcase for the Nephilim metagame so far, and should give us a...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Elves Strike Back Pt.2

Y'all love Warzone Nephilim huh? Thanks to the bumper crop of 11 events that took place last weekend, this is part 2 of this week's Competitive Innovations. Today we're looking at: Today we're looking at: North And South GT 2022 W4 GT...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Elves Strike Back Pt.1

Another week in Nephilim, and another very diverse set of top performing armies to talk about. Plenty of the Nephilim superstars and some old favourites are on show, but a glance at the results also shows the first big...

Competitive Innovations in 9th Edition: Return of the Wings pt. 2

As Rob has said in the past, while the Tyranid being in effect is causing a bit of a bumpy metagame patch right now, that's certainly not discouraging people from hitting up as many tournaments as possible, and today...

Codex: Aeldari FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

It’s been six weeks since the release of Codex: Aeldari and today Games Workshop have released a much-needed FAQ for the book. We noted in our review that there were more than a few things that needed addressing so...

Ruleshammer 40k: Aeldari

Welcome to Ruleshammer Aeldari - the one place to look for Ruleshammer Q&A on Aeldari issues! You can also find answers to many more questions in the Ruleshammer Compendium! Last Updated: 2022-03-10 Aeldari are a complex faction with a lot...

The Codex: Aeldari Competitive Roundtable

Codex: Aeldari is coming out next week and it’s a pretty big deal. We’ve already covered the major beats of what’s in the book in our multi-part review, but today we’ve teamed up with the crew over at the...

Codex Aeldari: The Crusade Rules Review

Elves. We love an Elf here at Goonhammer. Whether it’s a bunch of uptight dorks hanging out in a crystal palace, a Gathering of Juggalos, an extremely sick death cult, or just some of the least-cool space pirates ever...