adepta sororitas

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Xenos Roulette pt.3

Third time's the charm as we close out our Xenos-tacular week. Lowest of Men is at the helm today, looking at: 2d6 Dawn of Vår From Hell Open 2 - Back into the Trench! Spring Assault at the Ironweld Open ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Cybork Bullying pt.2

It's me (Wings) in charge again today, freeing me to be monstrously self-indulgent and write about a Showdown I was in. I won't say that no one can stop me, because there are several people who probably could, but...

Warhammer 40K 10th Edition Competitive Faction Focus: Adepta Sororitas

On the heels of the latest dataslate, we’re updating (or finally getting around to) all of the faction focus articles for each army in Warhammer 40,000. In this series we’ll talk about each faction, what they have to offer,...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: A Challenger Approaches pt.2

Me again. Did you know there was a whole tonne of Warhammer this past weekend? That includes one event (Warzone: Dice Goblin) which I shamefully failed to notice had used the Dataslate and new Ork/Custodes books, so well done...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Good Guard pt.2

Welcome back to part two of this week's Competitive Innovations. The astute among you may have noticed that this is a day later than usual, and that's because our team were hard at work on preparing our dataslate reviews...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Good Guard pt.1

The metagame is (presumably) on borrowed time, and this week it's the Astra Militarum's turn to take a big swing at the Necron menace, with a reasonable degree of success. The Thousand Sons and Sororitas are getting in on...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Variety Show pt.1

We're coming towards the end of the current metagame, with the activation of three new books and a Balance Dataslate all on the horizon, and with that in mind it's impressive and encouraging how diverse the top tables are...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Silver Surfeit

A relatively quiet one this week, presumably because everyone was too busy hunting for eggs and feasting on chocolate, or whatever you get up to over Easter in the country of your preference. I assume it's nice. Four events this...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Meta Adepts pt.2

More Warhammer? You want more? Well good, because there's more. Lowest of Men is in charge today, joined for one event by special guest Curie, who has made the classic error of getting into a Showdown, and thus being forced to write...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Imperium Strikes Back pt.1

TheChirurgeon: Welcome back to another week of Competitive Innovations, where we recap the weekend’s GTs and Majors, talk about the matchups, and analyze the top lists. Normally you’d see James “One_Wing” Grover in this space talking about events, but...