Jack Hunter

Battletech Mech Overview: Cyclops

In the Battletech computer game, the Cyclops provides an incredibly powerful initiative boost. Is it as effective on the tabletop?

Battletech Mech Overview: Jenner

A light backstabber, the Jenner runs a blend of lasers and missiles that really wants to open up some rear torsos. Take a look at the variants in this weeks Mech Overview.

Battletech Mech Overview: Sagittaire

The Sagittaire is an assault mech from the airplane on legs design family, though perhaps after eating a little too much Halloween candy. Check out this weeks Mech Overview.

Goonhammer Reviews Mechwarrior 5: Clans

The newest release in the Mechwarrior series, Clans is a huge step forward from Mercenaries, but still has some flaws.

Battletech Mech Overview: Spider

In this week's Mech Overview we look at the Spider, one of the most mobile Inner Sphere light mechs to exist.

Battletech Mech Overview: Thug

The Thug, as its name implies, is a remarkably straightforward bruiser: point guns at enemy, walk forward. Today's 'Mech Overview looks at the different variants.

Battletech Mech Overview: Sentinel

One of the less popular mechs from the Comstar Command Level II pack, the Sentinel is a medium weight skirmisher. This weeks Mech Overview is taking a look at the different variants.

Battletech Mech Overview: Highlander

An absolute classic assault mech, the Highlander when originally created was the heaviest mech to mount jump jets. It's always been a mech that sticks in player's heads, particularly as the Death From Above mech - something common enough that...

Battletech: Mercenaries Mech Overviews

The Battletech: Mercenaries kickstarter brings 10 new plastic models to people's game tables, and we're here to help you know how to use them.

Battletech Vehicle Overview: Maxim

The second plastic vehicle in Battletech: Mercenaries, the Maxim is a fast hover transport. In our second Vehicle Overview we're taking a look at whether it's just a metal death trap or not.

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