James "One_Wing" Grover

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Powers Up pt.1

The Pariah metagame continues to take shape this week, and we've got a bizarrely top-heavy suite of events to provide some additional date - lots of majors, barely any GTs. In terms of what's out there, Blood Angels look like the...

Detachment Focus: Hypercrypt Legion

In this series of articles we take a deep dive into a specific detachment for a faction, covering the faction’s rules and upgrades and talking about how to build around that faction for competitive play. In this article, we’re...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Double Trouble pt.1

Two Goonhammer Opens? Two? At this time of year? In two different latitudes? Incredible stuff. It also saw our terrain partner Bandua Wargames kits make it over to the US GHO for the first time, debuting some of their new...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Parade pt.2

There's a whole lot more to talk about today so I'm going to keep this intro short. As you can imagine, my mind is already whirling away trying to draw some early conclusions as to what's good in Pariah,...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Parade pt.1

It's a mostly new world! Though a few stragglers are still fighting last year's war in Leviathan, most of the metagame has moved on to the Pariah Nexus and activated all the exciting rules updates and balance changes that...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: It’s All Over Bar Da Krumpin’ pt.1

With Pariah Nexus packs now landing on doorsteps around the globe, I'm hoping this is Leviathan's true final outing, and that next week we'll have hot news from the Pariah Nexus to share. Because of that, and because Shadow...

Welcome to 10.5 Edition – Q3 2024 40K Balance Update – Core Rules and Balance Dataslate

Today Games Workshop dropped the largest single update we’ve ever seen to Warhammer 40,000 outside of an edition change. Through a number of FAQs and Errata, points changes, a new Dataslate, and a massive update to the Core Rules,...

Q3 2024 40K Balance Update – Xenos

This week Games Workshop dropped the largest single update we’ve ever seen to Warhammer 40,000 outside of an edition change. Through a number of FAQs and Errata, points changes, a new Dataslate, and a massive update to the Core...

Q3 2024 40K Balance Update – Imperium

This week Games Workshop dropped the largest single update we’ve ever seen to Warhammer 40,000 outside of an edition change. Through a number of FAQs and Errata, points changes, a new Dataslate, and a massive update to the Core...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Liminal Space Marines pt.1

We really are in the final stages of the old metagame now - we know a Balance Dataslate is dropping this week, the Pariah missions release on the weekend, and the Sisters and GSC Codexes will start kicking in...

About Me

Strategy Editor and co-founder. Author of Competitive Innovations, the weekly column bringing you analysis of all the best tournament lists out there.
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That 6+++ Show | Episode 97: Pariah Nexus: Early Learnings!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDvigMUbwrM?si=qyquXNUSEUlhkDpA] The Gang go through their learning on the last few weeks of playing Pariah Nexus missions in Warhammer...
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