
BattleTech Mech Overview: Kit Fox (Uller)

This week our Mech Overview looks at another clan light mech, the Kit Fox. Is it fast? No. Is it well armored? No. But it's got lots of guns!

Mech Overview: Nova Cat

In this week's Mech Overview we're taking a look at the Nova Cat, an ungangly looking clan heavy mech from the MW4 intro cinematic.

Battletech Mech Overview: Valkyrie

Today, our Mech Overview is about the Valkyrie, a plucky little 30 ton light that a lot of people forget about.

Battletech Mech Overview: Tian-Zong

The Tian-Zong is a heavy sniper, newly released in plastic. This week's Battletech Mech overview takes a look at whether it's any good.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Marauder

A classic heavy mech that vanished for a while in Battletech legal drama, we're taking a look at all 38 Marauder variants this week.

Battletech Mech Overview: Cyclops

In the Battletech computer game, the Cyclops provides an incredibly powerful initiative boost. Is it as effective on the tabletop?

Battletech Mech Overview: Jenner

A light backstabber, the Jenner runs a blend of lasers and missiles that really wants to open up some rear torsos. Take a look at the variants in this weeks Mech Overview.

Battletech Mech Overview: Sagittaire

The Sagittaire is an assault mech from the airplane on legs design family, though perhaps after eating a little too much Halloween candy. Check out this weeks Mech Overview.

Goonhammer Mech Overview: Panther

Is it a mech? Is it a cat? Does Peri love it? This Mech Overview covers the Panther.

Goonhammer Reviews Mechwarrior 5: Clans

The newest release in the Mechwarrior series, Clans is a huge step forward from Mercenaries, but still has some flaws.