"Primaris" Kevin Genson

Cosplay and Carnage – Primaris Kevin’s Experience at the Grand Narrative

As much as I can appreciate and respect the tournament scene, Warhammer 40k has always been a narrative game for me. I love the stories that come from every battle, whether it's the lowly grunt who goes through hell...

Hammer of Math: Canoptek Court Shenanigans

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the mathematical impact of the various rules for Necrons in the new book. The new edition continues to move forward with new books, most recently featuring Necrons and the Adeptus Mechanicus....

Hammer of Math: Warhound Titan Viability

This week's Hammer of Math answers the most important question of our time; is the Warhound Titan any good? Titans have always been a curiosity in Warhammer 40k. Like most of the top-end Forgeworld products, the price makes them the...

How to Paint Everything – Imperial Fists Space Marines

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here. In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine...

I Like Big Bolts and I Cannot Lie: Goonhammer Reviews the Elegoo Saturn 12K

Back in June we reviewed the Mars 3 and Mercury 2 washing station. We then followed up with the Mars 4 Ultra, which is an amazing printer. Now we're back with the Elegoo Saturn 3 12K! We would like...

Hammer of Math: Dice Mechanics in Burrows & Badgers

This week's Hammer of Math takes a more anthropomorphically fantastical direction and looks at the dice mechanics behind Oathsworn Miniatures' Burrows and Badgers. Believe it or not there are games other than Warhammer 40k out there, and every now and...

Hammer of Math: Rogal Dorn Dance-Off

This week's Hammer of Math answers a reader-submitted inquiry regarding the Rogal Dorn tank. Thanks Adam! When Games Workshop dropped the Rogal Dorn with the codex release back in January, it seemed cool but not exactly earth shattering. The new...

Hammer of Math: 40k Self-Immolation Appreciation Station

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the wonderful world of weapons. Plasma weapons are the epitome of 40k. Incredibly advanced and potent weaponry from the Dark Ages of Technology, they are so valuable that should they...

Hammer of Math: In Which We Mathematically Prove the Repulsor Executioner Might Not Suck

This week's Hammer of Math establishes what might possibly an annual tradition by looking at the Repulsor Executioner in the context of 10th Edition. It's amazing how much of a difference a year can make. A year ago Space Marines...

Hammer of Math: Blood Bowl Apothecaries & Kegs

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the math behind Apothecaries in Blood Bowl. Blood Bowl is not a game for the faint of heart (depending on the team a heart isn't required at all), and injuries and...

About Me

Resident math nerd, printing tech priest, and overall giant human. Kevin's been playing 40k since 2nd edition, back when everyone could bring a Vortex Grenade and you could murder an entire Imperial Guard army before Turn 1. He spends more time thinking about army composition and mathhammer than actually playing. He's a moderately good — but extremely lazy — painter who loves kitbashing and using 3D printing to make new bits. Kevin is the primary author of the “Hammer of Math” regular series on Goonhammer, which updates every Monday.
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Hammer of Math: Stats from the First Month of Pariah Nexus, Part 2

We take a look at more stats from the first month of Pariah Nexus games, revisiting win rate and looking at Secret Missions, Primary Missions, and Secondary Missions.
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