Aaron "Lenoon" Bowen

Lore Explainer – Halo: Spartans

In The Lore Explainer, we take a deep look at the lore behind our favorite games, movies, and books, and talk about the story behind them and sum up what you need to know and how you can find...

Goonhammer Historicals: The Barons’ War Conquest Review

It’s time to strap on your kite shield, call up your mercenaries and unfurl the papal banner - there’s a half-wild land over the sea and only The Bastard can tame it! We’re moving from the 13th to the...

Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: End of Centuries

If history ended when the Berlin Wall fell, it started again in early September 2001. The long nineties, with their pretence of peace and stability for Western Europe and NATO, turned out to have been simply a period of...

Goonhammer Historicals: Bandua Age of Vikings Terrain

With SAGA Summer in full swing, we've covered how to build, play and paint warbands. For everyone diving in to a new period - or if we've finally convinced you to pick up Historicals (welcome, it's great isnt it?)...

Victrix Medieval Knights: The Goonhammer Historicals Review

Medieval Knights are a staple of historicals wargaming and it's a rare mini collector that hasn't at least thought about strapping on some plate and mail in order to mount a trusty steed, but plastic knights always leave a...

Goonhammer Historicals: The Barons’ War Review

The Barons' War is a high medieval skirmish game from Footsore Miniatures. It's been out a while and is a firm favourite in the historicals community, winning the Wargames Illustrated Best New Rules award in 2021 and filling out...

Start Reading: Imperial Agents

Picked up a new Codex and a new Army, or revisiting an old force in a new edition? Welcome to Start Reading 40k, our guide to the best novels of the Black Library for each faction slugging it out...

Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Only Getting Better

The long trans-atlantic nightmare of Reaganothatcherite Economics is over. The Long Grey Man has fallen. There's a not-actually-new way of doing things in town and it's pretending, quite successfully, to look nothing like the old way at all. Noel...

Goonhammer Historicals: A 24 Hour Saga in Normandy

The Goonhammer Historicals team have been getting very excited about SAGA recently. So much so that we've infected half the discord with a Victrix-kit-fuelled fervour for Historicals Skirmish gaming. Try as I might to keep us all focused on...

Hypersteel Nightmare: The Goonhammer Review

In the endless expanse of the far future multiverse, there is only one constant. On a billion planets in a million realities, swarms of tanks, mechs and aircraft slug it out in brutal combat. This is Hypersteel Nightmare, a...

About Me

Has been playing wargames for too long, complaining about them for almost as long and attempting to write about them for about a year
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Content We Liked: 19th January, 2025

Extra Round Drones and Extra Long Beaks in this week's Content We Liked.
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