Codex Necrons – 10th Edition: Crusade Review

Credit: Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones

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Good afternoon Overlord Wings, I trust you are enjoying your vacation. Just letting you know since you’re away, Cryptothrall Beanith has just deployed a small fix live to production on your Tomb World… on a Friday… in the afternoon… before a long weekend… but on the bright side he did make sure to comment that the fix was a simple one. The gist of it, shit’s on fire and you need to come in and put out the dumpster fire to get your Tomb World up and running again.

Beanith: Ok, I’m tapped out on Programmer humour so let’s jump to the actual review. 9th Edition’s Codex: Necrons was one of the first codexes released, so much like the Space Marine codex it was a little light on the “cool narrative fluff” beyond the awesome Dynastic Epithet that you could pile onto your Warlord assuming your robot lads were winning games. White Dwarf would flesh them out somewhat two years later with the Dynastic Crusade rules for the three people not using the Ancient Dynasty Eternal Conquerors/Relentlessly Expansionist combo (which got Errated early 2023 to just be Eternal Conquerors) with a Relic, Battle Traits and Agenda/Bonus for the six major Dynasties plus a little treat for the outliers Triarchs, Destroyers and Titanic units.

With the launch of 10th Edition, we sadly bid farewell to the Dynastic Epithet system and now thanks to the release of the new Necron Codex, we shall start the process of Awakening a Tomb World.

As always, thanks to Games Workshop for giving us a preview copy of this book.

Awakening a Tomb World

The awakening of a Necron tomb world is not merely a simple matter of hitting the power button and wandering off for a shot of WD40 while you wait for the updates to finish. Instead you must coddle the system, prioritising which agenda is required for each battle to unlock up to three System Bonuses that confer powerful abilities and bonuses to your Characters or other Necron Units.

Eventually you will then gain access to the Master Systems, powerful once-per-battle abilities that you can elect to use during a vital game, at which point you will lose it and then have to either reboot the whole system or, if you’re lucky, merely roll back to a previous commit.

Each Necron Crusade force starts with 3 Awakening points to distribute across your choice of three different Systems. Each System has three bonuses to choose from to power up your Crusade. You can of course choose to assign all 3 Awakening points to the same System but you should also be aware that your choice of which Master System ability is restricted to the same Systems you’ve assigned the Awakening points to.

But in order to spend the Awakening point to gain the System bonus, you must first choose one of the three Awakening Agenda to take as one of the two Agendas you can take for each battle. Each system has its own unique Awakening Agenda, and completing it rewards you with XP and lets you assign one of the three Awakening points to that System.

Good news for the right honourable people who detest the Cowards Path by using a boring Requisition that everyone seems to get these days to bypass the scutwork. There isn’t one for our Chromie robot friends. You will need to complete the Agendas but in saying that, there is a little bit of wiggle room with a Requisition allowing the reallocation of an Awakening point from one system to another… after first completing the required Agenda.

Beanith: Some might cry foul as the Space Marines can take a bonus third Agenda for their Oathsworn Campaign but those don’t also award XP to the units completing those Agendas so swings and roundabouts really.

Mentioned earlier, once all three of the Awakening points have been assigned, you will gain access to the Master Systems abilities which you can save for a clutch moment in battle. However, using them is a double edged sword. Once used, you must immediately roll one D3 and remove that many Awakening points from your Systems, starting with a System bonus in the same System as that Master System ability. You’ll lose the System bonus associated with any points you remove, even if you haven’t gotten the chance to use it yet. You could get lucky and lose just the one or you could faceplant and lose all three, but getting them back isn’t too painful so you’re pretty much going to always be taking one of the three System Agendas in every battle.

Beanith: In times like these, I recommend getting yourself some Gregbot dice because those never seem to roll high anyway.

Dynasty Awakening Systems

Command System

This is the System of choice to to gain powerful abilities for your Necron Character units, but in order to gain any of them, your Warlord and their bodyguard unit must first complete the Subjugation Degree Agenda:

Each time your Warlord’s unit destroys an enemy unit, the Warlord will gain 1XP. If you kick ass, take names and chew insulated rubber by gaining 3XP or more as a result of this Agenda, you may select a Command System bonus to activate and allocate 1 Awakening point to do so.

Once you’ve done that, you’ve got your choice of three Systems Bonuses to drop that point into. All three of these abilities affect Necrons CHARACTER units, with two of them requiring you to pick that unit “at the start of the battle.” And since the start of the battle is after you choose which units are joined by which Characters, they can let you create some pretty powerful units on the table. Harmonized Dynastic Hyperdermis lets you choose a Character unit at the start of the battle and add 1 to that unit’s Toughness characteristic until the end of that battle. And Servile Preservation Protocols gives all the Bodyguard models in the unit you choose the ability to fight on death on a 3+.

And if you’re looking for a bit more flexibility, Remastered Deficiency is a once-per-battle ability that allows you to target a Necron Character unit with the Command Re-roll Stratagem for 0CP, and even lets you do so if you’ve already used the stratagem on a different unit that phase.

Of the three, Hyperdermis is the standout, letting you create some terrifyingly durable units, whether it’s a 20-strong pile of toughness-5 Necron Warriors, or pushing a squad of Lychguard or Immortals up to toughness 6. But the other two are worth a look, especially as a “sacrificial” Awakening point in the event you decide you need the Master System Ability.

Speaking of the Master Ability, Directive Override can be used in one of two ways:

  • Once per battle in your Command phase you can reroll Battle-shock tests taken by your Necron units; or
  • Once per battle in your Command phase you can add 1 to the Objective Control characteristic of all your Necron units.

The bonus to OC can be huge, especially on some Warriors or Immortals to push them up to OC3 each, letting even a near-death squad flip a key objective right when you need it. In fact, it’s the strength of this ability that really makes Servile Preservation Protocols and Remastered Deficiency worth considering: on their own, they may not quite stand up to the staying power you can get from the Hyperdermis, but if you only have one point in the Command System, you’ll lose that bonus every time you go for the extra OC. In other words, taking Servile or Deficiency gives you some extra insurance against losing toughness on a key unit while still giving you the opportunity to swing a game on demand.

Reanimation System

Ah, the System of Reanimation, or as most Necrons will refer to as the “Cake Walk” System as the Immortal Servitude Agenda will almost certainly be reliably knocked over incredibly early every game:

By keeping track of every wound recovered by your Necron Crusade army’s Reanimation Protocol over the course of the battle, your Warlord will gain 1XP for every 12 wounds recovered to a maximum of 3XP. And even if you phone it in and only manage to recover 12 wounds, you can then select a Reanimation System bonus to activate by allocating an Awakening point.

But just because the Agenda may be easier to achieve for the less stabby/shooty Warlord and friends or a much less mobile Crusade force, don’t think the Reanimation System bonuses are any less powerful.

Out of the gate, Rapid Reanimation is a strong option, allowing you to re-roll the Reanimation Protocols roll for one of your units each round. Or you can opt for Resurrection Flux, which adds a flat 1 to a unit’s Reanimation Protocols roll when it’s Below Half-strength, making units at the end of their rope that much more durable. Finally Anastasic Contingency rounds out the choice here, giving you the once-per-battle ability to let a unit activate its Reanimation Protocols right after it’s been pushed below its Starting Strength.

Any of these are strong options, though Rapid Reanimation and Resurrection Flux are the standouts. Which one of the two you’ll choose likely comes down to how many Necron Warriors units you’re running (as they now natively re-roll Reanimation Protocols) and how much you value consistency over the course of the game compared to the extra wound when things are looking a bit dire. Of course, given how easy it is to score Immortal Servitude, you may well find yourself asking “why not both?” A fine question, particularly given how useful this system’s Master Ability is.

Two very powerful “once per battle” options are available here for those that wish to enact the Contra-Mortis Protocol:

  • you can activate Reanimation Protocols for a second time on a particularly important unit that you need to stick around; or
  • when you want to see a look of utter despair on your opponent’s face, you can add 1 to the roll of every Reanimation Protocol rolled in a single Command phase.

Given that most Reanimation Protocols rolls are on a d3 these days, the value of the first of the two may be a bit harder to see, since the second option is going to give you a lot more wounds back across the whole of your list. But the timing is what’s key here: you can use the first ability any time a unit’s Reanimation Protocols activate, even if it’s out of sequence. Got a stratagem that lets you Resurrect at an unusual time? What if you got to add another d3 to that roll? Want to put a few more models on the table when an Overlord uses its Resurrection Orb? Well, you won’t get an additional d6 (the second activation isn’t modified by the Resurrection Orb’s rule), but you will get a few more models.

All in all, the Reanimation System offers a lot of durability to your list, but won’t usually be overwhelming for your opponent unless you use the Master System, which will cut back on your Resurrection Protocols’ effectiveness for the remainder of the game. It’s a neat tradeoff, and a cool bag of tricks to be able to reach into.

Translocation System

Running a lot of Wraiths and Tomb Blades? Or maybe you accidently built some Triarch Praetorians? Then the Relentless Expansion Agenda may be made just for you. Probably the hardest of the Awakening agendas to reliably pull off every game–especially if your opponent is particularly inclined to deny you out of spite–but it also hands out a lot of XP and the Translocation System bonuses are incredibly powerful to boot.

At the end of the battle, you can select up to three Necron units that are wholly within 6” of your opponent’s battlefield edge (or deployment zone if they don’t have one). Each unit selected will gain 3XP each and should you have three units pull this off, select a Translocation System bonus to activate by allocating an Awakening point.

And those bonuses are pretty solid: the Astromantic Perception Portal lets you choose a Necron unit that arrived out Deep Strike each turn and give it full hit re-rolls until the end of the turn. This is a strong ability that only gets stronger with the Hypercrypt Legion detachment’s rules and can open up some seriously cool plays.

But if you’re not that big on Deep Strike, never fear: Dimensional Catacombs lets you choose up to three Necrons INFANTRY units at the start of the battle, then give them Scouts 6″. And if that weren’t enough, those units get to fly while they make that Scout move. And Transtemporal Acceleration allows you to choose a Necrons unit in your Command phase once per game, then give it +2 to Advance and Charge rolls for the turn.

Any of these three abilities can be incredibly powerful, but Astromantic Perception Portal and Dimensional Catacombs stand out as the stronger choices of the three. Full hit re-rolls on a unit appearing out of Deep Strike is a solid bonus you’ll likely find plenty of use for, and less mobile lists will love the ability to get out ahead of their opponent with a Scout move that goes further than most Necrons Infantry can move in their own turn.

Of course, Necrons players may find it harder to gain access to these bonuses due to the relative difficulty of scoring the Relentless Expansion agenda. But for a particularly difficult Agenda, the Spectral Relocation Translocation System Master Ability is an incredibly powerful reward, and is certainly worth the blood, sweat, and tears required to unlock it:

  • at the end of your Movement phase, select one Necron Infantry unit to be removed from the battlefield and placed into Reserves. You can then select another Necron Infantry unit from your Reserves and place that unit as close as possible to where the previous unit was but not within Engagement Range of any enemy unit. And if that weren’t enough, until the end of the battle, the unit placed into Reserves gains the Deep Strike ability if it didn’t have it already. Or:
  • after deployment, select up to three Necron Infantry units and redeploy them, either on the battlefield or sticking them into Strategic Reserves even if you’re already maxed out on your Strategic Reserves
    • Beanith: How very suspiciously Aeldari-like… be prepared to have your ears checked, if you have any then you’re clearly a spy… unless you have more than two, in which case you’re probably a Flayed One.

If you’re not already imagining using that first option a brick of Warriors out of a tar pit situation, only to replace them with extra stabby Lychguard ready to hand out a paddlin’ with a 1.1” charge or simply blasting them off the table with another Warrior brick popping out of the woodwork, then you’re probably too soulless of a robot even for the Necrons, which is saying something. And if you’re running a Hypercrypt Legion and manage to hang onto the Astromantic Perception Portal after using the Master System, all the better: that unit can potentially come back with full re-rolls every turn for the rest of the game.

And while the second option might seem a bit more pedestrian, it’s still very powerful and could potentially swing the game right from the outset. It does come with a major downside, though: since you have to use it before the battle, you’re forced to give up one of your System Bonuses before it has the opportunity to do anything, which could have a drastic impact on how the game plays (especially if you roll a 3 to see how many Awakening points you lose). But given how powerful a 3-unit redeploy can be, it’s certainly tempting.


Four on offer here, and for the most part they’re OK. Your mileage may vary, though, considering you will frequently have one of your two Agenda slots taken up by a System Agenda. That means you may possibly never use these outside of using Inescapable Retribution to switch out Relics on a Character.

The Unending Tally will be the auto-take for anyone running an Annihilation Legion detachment (Beanith: I assume you lost a bet?) as each time a Destroyer Cult unit destroys two or more enemy units in a battle round, it will gain 2XP. Given that destroying a Character and their attached Bodyguard counts as destroying two units, this is a solid XP boost for units that go Character-hunting, but may otherwise be difficult to score without some creative multi-charges.

Supremacy Through Annihilation will ask you to designate the three enemy units with the highest points value as your Annihilation targets. Each time you annihilate your Annihilation target, that Necron unit gains 2XP. Interestingly, you count Bodyguard and Leader units as separate for these purposes, so once you manage to chew through an Aggressor brick, you won’t also have to kill the Gravis Captain, which is nice, I guess. This would have paired nicely with the Headhunter or Monstrous Targets Agendas for extra XP killing the same thing, but your second Agenda slot is probably taken by one of the System Agendas instead. Worth a look if you’re fully Awakened, though.

Territorial Imperative is the best non-System Necron Agenda which isn’t saying much. Necron units gain 1XP for destroying enemy units who happen to be standing near an objective marker. You can also have a unit holding an objective outside of your deployment zone give up shooting or charging for a turn and conquer it by slapping an Asset tag on it or something. Each objective can only be conquered once and the unit that does this gains 2XP.

Inescapable Retribution At the start of the battle, your opponent chooses a No Man’s Land objective to be your “Dynastic Treasure.” All you need to do is get a Necron Character over there and have it survive a round twiddling its thumbs. Survive the action, and you’ll recover the treasure, gain 4XP, and can swap one of its Crusade Relics for one from this book. Handy for when a Character gains the Creeping Madness Battle Scar and the Tachyon Field Phase Inducer suddenly seems a lot more useful than the Godpyre Mantle, and a decent way to pick up a good chunk of XP on a Character without too much risk.


When one of your Necron Battleline unit gains a Battle Scar, you can instead spend 1RP for Viral Vectors, chuck that unit in the trash and replace it with a unit of Flayed Ones with same XP and number of Battle Honours as the replaced unit, generated at random from the relevant tables. Interestingly, you still get to choose which table, so if you prefer the Infantry table in Tyrranic War to the one this codex, you’re free to roll there as many times as you like.

Purchased after a battle in which your Cryptek destroyed one or more enemy units while a Noble was clearly not paying attention from a nearby park bench even though you kept telling Daddy you were swinging so high… Childhood trauma aside, for 1RP, Cunning Advisors lets you select that Cryptek to be Marked for Greatness in addition to any other unit Marked for Greatness as a result of that battle. Given the changes to 10th, you’re likely to have a good chunk of RP early in the game, and this is a solid way to push a Cryptek up to Blooded rank so you can quickly get your Crusade Force’s second enhancement.

Got a Noble about to gain its third Battle Scar? How about you stop rolling like trash and buy some Goonhammer Dice? Or you could spend 1RP on The Slow Decay of the Self, remove all Battle Scars and decide that those Destroyer Cultists sound like they have a point and understand you really deep down. The Noble loses the Leader ability but gains the Lone Operative ability along with a tasty dose of Destroyer Madness which lets them re-roll all hit rolls. This lets you create a fairly interesting utility piece that can operate on its own to take objectives and maybe punk a squad or two of Scouts or something.

Finally, Power Reserves Reallocated lets you reallocate an Awakening point to a different System bonus on the odd chance you don’t like a current choice. At 1RP it’s almost a steal, but first you must successfully pull off the required System Agenda in order to reallocate the point. It also lets you get access to an Awakening Agenda in a game where you start with all three already allocated. That means that if you’re pretty sure you’re going to use one of your Master System Bonuses in a game, you can get ahead of the loss you’re about to suffer by picking the agenda that matches where you’d like to put that point next once you get it back.

Battle Traits

We’ve got some excellent Battle Traits on offer and they’re all pretty useful and can be considered a great upgrade for all of your Necrons…except for the Scarabs. Those poor little champs are denied the chance of any growth for the sin of having the Swarm keyword… not to mention possibly blowing themselves up at the drop of a hat.

Necron Character Units

Autocratic Avarice allows your Noble to utilise the power of “YOINK” by selecting an objective in No Man’s Land. While they are within range of that objective, their Objective Control characteristic is changed to 4.

Martial Apotheosis is straight-up fire, giving the Noble the ability to re-roll 1s on both Hit and Wound rolls. Overlords and their Tachyon arrows rejoice, for you will no longer have to spend CP on re-rolls.

  • Beanith: Except for the Damage roll when you inevitably roll a 1. Or maybe you don’t get that far because you rerolled a 1 into another 1. The Dice Gods are a fickle bunch.

Endless Legions might be better called the Endless Source of Requisition, because if your Noble survives the battle and gains 3XP (no cheating with Marked for Greatness) then you will gain 1 Requisition point. With this on your Warlord completing System Agendas, you’re well on your way to spending excess requisition on removing the levelling cap on most of your Crusade Force.

Infantry Units

I originally ignored The Will to Serve for being a bit boring as you just autopass Out of Action tests for this unit. And then it hit me, this unit can’t get Battle Scars. You can quite happily feed your mooks into the battlefield woodchipper secure in the knowledge you won’t have to waste Requisition on removing crippling Battle Scars from your Legendary Immortals or Lychguard.

  • Condit: Plus, it saves you the trouble of having to roll those pesky Out of Action tests, which are my least favorite part of any Crusade game.

Engrammatic Imprinting makes your Infantry ‘receptive to the desires and commands of their betters’. tl;dr: Notice Me, Senpai lets the unit re-roll Hit rolls of 1 when within 6” your Necron Characters. A nice trait to have, especially if you’re running an Awakened Dynasty so that any unit with an attached character also picks up +1 to hit.

Undying Revenants will dial up the knife-twisting antics of Reanimation Protocols for this Infantry unit by adding a 1 to the result. Stacking that with other various buffs and System bonuses and your opponent may just flip the table as this unit just refuses to quit.

Vehicle and Mounted Units

Hypergrav Field Manipulation could have been easily dismissed as lazy writing as it’s ‘merely’ adding +2″ to the Move characteristic for that unit, which also appears as Archaeotech Power Source in Tyrranic War. But then you realise that, since it’s a separate Battle Trait to the ones in Tyrranic War, and suddenly you’re painting racing stripes on the side of your Monolith.

  • Beanith: It almost makes me want to pay more attention when Overlord Wings drones on about ‘Increased Threat Radius’ but I’m more focused on sick drifts with my Tomb Blade.

Spectral Disassembly Targeters give the ranged weapons in this unit the Ignore Cover ability. Not terrible, it’s pretty handy to help shift units camping on an objective whilst hiding in a crater, particularly given how much AP-1 there is in this book.

Subdual Protocols lets the unit treat its Objective Control characteristic as halved when Battle-shocked and not just changing it to 0. Not flashy, but still powerful as it may very well leave you holding onto an objective in the final turn by the skin of your teeth denying important Victory Points.

Canoptek Units

It might say Canoptek units but we all know they mean it’s the Canoptek Wraith table. Your spooky bots are about to get even nastier with these Battle Traits.

Guardian Constructs lets your unit re-roll melee Wound rolls of 1 so long as there is a friendly Cryptek literally anywhere on the battlefield. Stick a Technomancer in with some Wraiths, then laugh as your Doomstalker’s overwatch makes your friends cry.

If you thought the rest of this table was for Wraiths, check out Optimised Aggressors: it lets the unit re-roll Advance and Charge rolls. Because sometimes you really need to get your point-y claws across.

Finally, Self-Replicator Nodes lets you change the result of the Reanimation Protocol to a 3. This’ll guarantee that any wounded Wraith will come back to full health, and makes Reanimators even more frustratingly difficult to kill. Luckily for your opponent’s sanity, this ability can only be used once per turn by a unit with this trait.

Battle Scars

The Weird and Wacky Necron Battle Scars have returned and much like 9th, strictly speaking, these can be a nice powerful little upgrade with some finangling. That said, it’s a 50/50 chance of getting a Battle Scar from this codex and having to take one of the much nastier ones from the main Crusade rules (Leviathan at the time of this review) by rolling a D6 when you are required to take a Battle Scar, 1-3 gets the fun Necron Scars and 4-6 means you’re probably about to trash a unit or spend Req to fix it.

Your Noble units will be overcome with Creeping Madness as their Attack and Strength characteristics on their melee weapons increase by 1. They also lose their Leader ability as they prefer to roam the battlefield as a Lone Operative.

Your Destroyer Cult units have become Mindless Reapers more interested in destroying the enemy as they can now re-roll all hit rolls. But this comes at the cost of worsening their Leadership and Objective Control characteristics by 1. The only downside here is that it’s less useful on Skorpekhs now that they re-roll all hits on the charge anyway, but it does make charging them even less appealing than it already was. But slap this bad boy on a Lokhust Heavy Destroyer? Now we’re talking.

Similarly any Necrons unit can “benefit” from Engrammatic Degradation, which reduces the cost of any Stratagem targeting them by 1CP for that usage, making most of them free to use. The downside is that this unit cannot Fall Back or Advance, so you’ll have to be extra-careful with where you put them.

Finally, your Canoptek units are running on fumes thanks to their Depleted Transmaterial Reserves. They may not be able to use Reanimation Protocols anymore, but they’ll go down swinging adding 1 to the Attack characteristic of their melee weapons.

All of these Battle Scars come with a tradeoff, but they all still lower the affected unit’s Crusade Points by 1. And while Engrammatic Degradation can be a death sentence on units like Warriors or Immortals, you might actually find yourself thinking twice about buying off one of these Scars with Repair and Recuperate, something you can’t say about the Battle Scars in Tyrranic War.

Crusade Relics

Four fun toys for the terminator knockoffs and each one will be a great fit in pretty much every Necron Crusade Force.

In the Artificer ranks we have the Godpyre Mantle which will grant all the models in the bearer’s unit the Stealth ability. Minus 1 to hit is nothing to sneeze at, especially this early in your campaign.

We have two Antiquity relics to debate on who would be best suited to hold onto as they rampage around the battlefield. The Tachyon Field Phase Inducer will massively overclock one of the bearer’s melee weapons adding 2 to the Strength and Attack characteristics as well granting it with Lethal Hits. Plus there’s the added chance of kicking the bucket and taking a 6” chunk of the battlefield with you as you now also have Deadly Demise D3 for added hilarity. The Orb of Eternity, on the other hand, gives a powerful upgrade to the unit your character is leading by simply changing the Reanimation Protocol from rolling D3 wounds to a flat 3 wounds.

Lastly is the Legendary Oath of Moment knockoff, the Casket of Heshkefnet, which much like the Space Marines Oath of Moment, lets you nominate an enemy unit and then you can spend that turn rerolling all Hit rolls targeting that unit. Luckily for the sake of the universe at large, this relic only works once per battle.

  • Beanith: It’s almost good enough for me to consider taking it over the Vortex Grenade but the inner taco child tells me to take both and combine the two to really ruin someone’s day.

Final Thoughts

Beanith: Another winner from Games Workshop. A fantastic update where you can quickly unlock powerful abilities that can just as easily be lost due to using one of the Master Systems. I love that they kept the wacky battle scars that aren’t really battle scars in some cases but that they all have a downside so you may still consider using a Repair Req to fix them.

I will miss the Dynastic Epithet but you can easily just add the naming system and leave out the Dynastic abilities if you have the 9th edition codex laying around. Or you could just use the Necron Name Generator in this book? I have taken the Magnificent title of Beanith the Starkiller. Which isn’t nearly as cool as my Overlord 5P1K3, Plunderer of the Solar Catacomb, Embodiment of Metalloglory, Subjugator of the Phloxos Hordes, He Who Spits Upon the Ancient Codes.

Condit: I love the Awakening Systems here, as they offer some strong abilities together with a light “push your luck” element in the Master System Bonuses: do you go for the powerful ability, potentially at the cost of burning out all your other bonuses and having to build back up from scratch? Or do you hope you can get by just on the back of what you brought to the game? It’s a cool mechanic, and the “cost” of playing with it is mitigated by the fact that, even if things go completely to shit, the Awakening agendas aren’t that hard, so you’ll be back up to full strength before you know it.

And the rest of the rules on offer here are just fine, too. I particularly like that the Battle Scars come with upsides, particularly in the context of the new-to-10th rule where if you get too many Battle Scars, your unit just dies. So we’re right back at “push your luck:” do you keep the Battle Scar on your Heavy Destroyer to maintain its accuracy, or do you walk the Path of the Coward and repair it off so you don’t lose the Battle Traits the unit has accumulated? Very cool.

I’ll never forgive them for cutting the Dynastic Epithets table, though. If you’re new to Necrons and don’t have a 9th Edition Codex, get your hands on that table. It’s honestly the only thing these rules are missing.

Norman: Fuck yes finally some good crusade rules with absolutely no strings attached. Really love the vibes on this one and the stuff that’s here is strong. The awakening mechanic is the type of thing I want to see more of. It really lets you tailor how you want your army to behave instead of individual units. Also, I always love interesting scars so I’m really happy to have those return as well. Fantastic stuff.