Necromunday reviews: The Killzone: Bheta-Decima terrain


Howdy scummers! We’re taking a look at some new terrain this week as well as some returning friends. Let’s see what the gang has to say.

The Necromunday team got our hands on the new Killzone Terrain box last week. Now that we’ve taken a peek at the sprues inside, we’re going to break down what we’re excited about – and how we’re looking to use these in our existing terrain collections. For Kill Team players, the only real physical cover in the box is the curved railings on the Ferratonic Furnace, which leaves the rest of the board with nothing. Check out our review of the Kill Team Salvation and Bheta Decima missions for all of the implications of an open arena. However – as parts to be combined with other kits / scratchbuilt stuff, the entire box is great.

Killzone: Bheta-Decima. Credit: Warhammer.

The Old

Returning, is the Ferratonic Furnace. This is no longer available on its own, and is a great piece of terrain. It features in many pieces of Ash Waste art and I’ve used loads of them in my own terrain. Notably there is a new platform to go on top. Whereas the old one was octagonal, this one is round with straight sides to meet up with the gantries. Also included on this sprue are curved railings which are nice and solid. More limited in use as they only fit on the curved platform, but a nice add-on nonetheless.

Ferratonic Furnace Sprue
The new platform sprue for the Ferratonic Furnace.

The New Stuff

Gantries. You get two sprues of straight walkways, which are partial carryovers from previous kits, but now included six hatches. They fit in any of the square recesses in the walkways – but on their own they’re great for adding a hatch anywhere you need. The back of them in flat, so you won’t need to trim anything to use them elsewhere. The design is low-profile and has 2 different designs. I’ve already used one on a piece of terrain I’m building.

Beta-Decima walkway sprue.

Editor’s Note: I suspect that these are also included as terrain clips. The old kits included clips that connected and supported a walkway section, so you could simply drop it (sans legs) between two standing sections. The old clips had teeth to hold it at the edge of a walkway. Your mile may vary in terms of how good the new clips are in terms of holding up.

Sector Mechanicus. Credit: Fowler
Sector Mechanicus. Credit: Fowler

Bulkheads. These come in one or two parts. They’re the same height, but the two-part bulkheads have provisions in the base to allow you to stack them on the single-part bulkheads, making them the same height as the Ferratonic Furnace. the detail on these are really nice, with lots of gubbinz that we’ve seen on other Sector Mechanicus parts over the years. hey’ll fit in quite nicely and add some solid cover.

Beta-Decima Bulkhead sprue.

Sensors. Now, they call these objective markers, but for us terrain perverts, these are an amazing selection of sensors and hatches. I can see using the hatches as scatter terrain or part of a special scenario. Or even as access to an under-underhive. The sensor bits have a great Ad Mech feel to them and there’s a nice variety in them.

Beta-Decima Objective sprue.


I’d give this box a 4 out of 5 rating. Some more railings would be nice and really it’s a lot of gantries. But it’s a lot of gantries and especially important are the two long, straight ones. Gantries are super important for Necromunda so having access to these is great. It’s great to get a selection of Sector Mechanicus kitts that are criminally out of production plus some neat bits for an ok price. But, this box really only shines if you have other Sector Mechanicus kits to mix it in with.

And there we have it! We’re excited for the parts and are already adding them to our terrain builds. What you excited to use from this kit and how do you think you’ll use it? Drop us a line at