Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl – State Of The Competitive Meta 2023

It’s been half a year since we completed our coverage of 2022’s Blood Bowl Tournament meta, and we now have a whole new raft of data to pore over and analyse how the world of competitive Blood Bowl in...

Blood Bowl – Human Team Guide

Humans, the most vanilla and unexciting race in Blood Bowl!  For many years one of the default teams in any Blood Bowl set, the Humans have recently been usurped by their wealthier and snootier cousins, the Imperial Nobles.  But...

Blood Bowl – Moving From Beginner to Intermediate

We’ve been running regular Blood Bowl coverage here on Goonhammer for a good while now. As you might expect from a site with such a strong pedigree in competitive gaming coverage, we’ve leaned toward the more experienced players in...

Goonhammer Open Maryland 2023 – Tickets Available Now!

Tickets are available now for the Goonhammer Open at the Baltimore Convention Center – August 19th and 20th! You can expect amazing prize support, golden tickets for 40k and AOS, UTC points, vendors, the Boon Memorial Display Board Table, and plenty of surprises.

Blood Bowl – May 2023 FAQ Hot Take

The first of Blood Bowl's regular errata and FAQ updates has just dropped for 2023, and as per usual it contains a mix of balance changes, corrections, and answers to questions that nobody in their right mind would have...

Blood Bowl Lore Explainer – The Worst Teams in Blood Bowl History

The nature of any competitive sport is that some teams will rise above their peers to claim the glory and prizes on offer; while some will fall short, underachieve, or find themselves stomped into the dirt.  Blood Bowl history...


The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of whom have other projects outside of the site. In addition to their work here, Dan Boyd and Campbell "SRM" McLaughlin have their own podcast, the 40K...

Blood Bowl at Adepticon: The Stupor Bowl XV Day Two

Welcome back, Sports Fans! This article was meant for release last week, but Dan’s own little halfling caused some chaos and we had to postpone the second half! But he’s back now with part 2 of his trip to...

Hammer of Math: Throwing Friends for Fun and Profit (Blood Bowl)

This week's Hammer of Math explores the intricacies of picking up a small teammate and throwing them as far as possible across the pitch in Blood Bowl. In Blood Bowl, the notion of the forward pass belies a significant amount...

Blood Bowl – Lizardmen: From Sprue To Pitch

Lizardmen have always been one of my favourite Blood Bowl teams, but for pile of shame reasons I held off buying the GW kit for a long time.  Having recently divested myself of some backlog, and thinking about a...