Dan "dittka" Boyd

The Swelter Bowl II at the Goonhammer Open Baltimore 2024

Hello there sports fans! In a mere five days, we at Goonhammer are running our second-ever Blood Bowl tournament at the GHO 2024 near Baltimore, Maryland! Dan’s here to fill you in on what’s happening, what to expect, and...

Blood Bowl Gnomes: The Goonhammer Review

Welcome back, Sports Fans, to another Goonhammer team preview! Games Workshop were nice enough to send over a copy of the new Spike! Magazine featuring the surprising and brand new Gnome team! Our Blood Bowl boffins have had a...

What We Learned Playing ASOIAF at Adepticon

Scott and Dan traveled to the frozen suburbs of Chicago to play A Song of Ice and Fire at this year’s installment of Adepticon! They’ve returned, hung up their many medals, and are here to spread a little bit...

Goonhammer Hot Take: The November 2023 Blood Bowl FAQ

Hello, Sports Fans! Welcome to the first Blood Bowl Hot Take in a while. This morning, GW graced us with a brand new FAQ for our favorite sports-themed skirmish game, so let’s dig in and see what we’ve got. Dan...

How to Paint Everything: Raven Guard Space Marines

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here. In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint well, everything, with a look...

How To Paint Raven Guard – Dan Boyd’s Method

Dan “dittka” Boyd: Hello friends! Back in 2019 we published a HTPE for Raven Guard. Well, we’re back again 4 years later with an updated article: this time with WIPs! My methods haven’t really changed in the intervening years,...

Blood Bowl Vampires: The Goonhammer Roundtable

Welcome back, Sports Fans! The thralls down in the Goonhammer Blood Bowl crypt were slightly less torporous than normal this week, as they seem to have gotten their grubby little hands on an advance copy of the newly-released Vampire...

40K BADCAST 134 – LIVE @ NOVA OPEN 2023!

The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of whom have other projects outside of the site. In addition to their work here, Dan Boyd and Campbell “SRM” McLaughlin have their own podcast, the 40K Badcast,...

Blood Bowl at Adepticon: The Stupor Bowl XV Day Two

Welcome back, Sports Fans! This article was meant for release last week, but Dan’s own little halfling caused some chaos and we had to postpone the second half! But he’s back now with part 2 of his trip to...

Blood Bowl at Adepticon: The Stupor Bowl XV Day One

Hello Sports Fans! Last month, Dan went up to Chicago to play in the 2-day, 6-round Stupor Bowl XV at Adepticon! He’s here to break down his team choice and all 6 games. Take it away, Dan! The Stupor Bowl...

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