Michael O "Mugginns"

Goonhammer Historicals: New Year, New Minis. Getting Started in the Black Powder Era

2025 is upon us - time for new minis, new wars to study, and new uniforms to paint! We look at some from the black powder era in Monday's Historicals.

Goonhammer Historicals: The Silver Bayonet Mini-Campaign – The War on Christmas Part Two

The final two scenarios in the Silver Bayonet War on Christmas mini-campaign.

Goonhammer Historicals: The Silver Bayonet Mini-Campaign – The War on Christmas Part One

With Christmas almost upon us, Mugginns is here with a short mini-campaign for The Silver Bayonet based on the holiday season.

Goonhammer Historicals Thanksgiving Special: Cult of the Black Feather

It's that time of year again - the time when Americans look to the woods for a plump bird to throw down on the big family table along with some canned cranberry sauce (anything else is anti-freedom) for a...

Goonhammer Historicals: The Silver Bayonet Italy Review

The Silver Bayonet: Italy is the fourth expansion for the highly-regarded gothic horror skirmish wargame. Published by Osprey Publishing, with an accompanying miniatures line from North Star Military Figures, The Silver Bayonet: Italy is written by T.C. Stephen, an...

Ghoulhammer Historicals: The Silver Bayonet Egypt – Shadow of the Sphinx Review

We've visited quite a few places already in The Silver Bayonet cinematic universe - Europe, the Carpathians, Canada, and now Egypt. There are more on the way, but today we're going to review Egypt - Shadow of the Sphinx....

Ghoulhammer Historicals: The Best Historical Adjacent Horror Films

You know we're huge fans of The Silver Bayonet, Don't Look Back, and other horror games - now let's take a look at some of the films that have inspired us! The Goonhammer Historicals team writes up summaries of...

Goonhammer Historicals: Sharp Practice Battle Report

A number of years ago at AdeptiCon we ran a Sharp Practice game with a half-dozen hobbyists painting units and bringing them to play. We put a ton of work into it and it came out great. I've been...

Goonhammer Historicals – Force Focus: US-Mexico War

If you're a dedicated Goonhammer Historicals reader (thank you!) then you've seen some of my previous posts on the US-Mexico War. Even now, two years into the project, I'm more interested than ever in the conflict. I'm currently working...

Goonhammer Historicals: SAGA Faction Review – Vikings

Who Are the Vikings? The Vikings were Scandinavian people who are famous for raiding (via longboat over the sea), pirating, trading, settling, and hiring out as mercenaries all over Europe and some parts of Asia, but mainly in Britain. The...

About Me

I regard the death and mangling of a couple thousand toy soldiers as a small affair, a kind of morning dash
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Skaventide by Gary Kloster – The Goonhammer Review

The novel Skaventide by Gary Kloster launches the line into 4th edition, accompanying the likewise-named starter box; Saelfe reviews it for us today.
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