
Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Reagan’s Roughnecks

Welcome to the end of history. The Wall is crumbling and will soon fall. Capitalism, so long merely one of the world's competing economic systems is on the verge of absolute, final, conclusive "victory", at least in the minds...

The End and the Death (of End and the Death Reviews)

Togepi digs into The End and the Death Volume III with another review, talking about the good, the bad, and why it's worth reading.

ASOIAF Community Spotlight: Hits and Crits

New Series Alert! This is the first article in a new series where we sit down with members of the community and get to know them on a new level. From where they have come from, to what they...

The End and the Death, Volume 3: The Goonhammer Review

  Let’s not mess about. We know why we’re here. The End is nigh. I’m going to try and do this without Spoilers. Spoilers are all over the place for this one, sadly, but as far as I possibly can,...

Goonhammer Reads Scifi: (Rock it) To the Moon

Ah! The Moon. Luna. Selene. Mankind’s nearest target. The only extra-planetary thing that humanity has left literal shit strewn about on. That big thing in the sky at night and sometimes the day. However you know it, it’s there....

Goonhammer Reads: Napoleonics

So you've seen the movie and now you know with absolute certainty where Napoleon went wrong. You can, and will, do better. It's time to get into real wargaming. Welcome to Napoleonics. This article is part of our Getting Started:...

The End and the Death, Volume 2: The Goonhammer Review

We’re going to try and do this without spoilers - but if you haven’t read the End and the Death Part 1 at least, you may find some things spoiled for you a little. Where necessary, there’ll be a...

Goonhammer Reads Scifi: Itopia? Utopia!

Utopian fiction is rarer than its darker mirror, but serves more or less the same purpose. Where Dystopia asks us to reflect on the steps between now and when, and how we may avoid or survive whatever the author...

Goonhammer Historicals

Welcome to Goonhammer Historicals. We're your guide to the massive, varied and fascinating world of Historical wargaming. Whether you're an experienced Historicals player with too many armies to count, or you're just starting with the best part of the...

Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Beyond Thunderdome

I might have ended last time on a down beat note, but with the world thoroughly left in tatters after Alien, Drug, and Climate breakdown apocalypses, we have finally broken through into the much more fun and light-filled world...