Dark Angels

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Powers Up pt.2

Part 2, and plenty more healthy variety to consider - we've even got an AdMech showdown that isn't Skitarii Hunter Cohort. Wonders may never cease. It's Lowest of Men in charge today, covering: TGX Warhammer 40,000 Event I Gt Ciudad de Avila ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Powers Up pt.1

The Pariah metagame continues to take shape this week, and we've got a bizarrely top-heavy suite of events to provide some additional date - lots of majors, barely any GTs. In terms of what's out there, Blood Angels look like the...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Parade pt.1

It's a mostly new world! Though a few stragglers are still fighting last year's war in Leviathan, most of the metagame has moved on to the Pariah Nexus and activated all the exciting rules updates and balance changes that...

Q3 2024 40K Balance Update – Imperium

This week Games Workshop dropped the largest single update we’ve ever seen to Warhammer 40,000 outside of an edition change. Through a number of FAQs and Errata, points changes, a new Dataslate, and a massive update to the Core...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Leviathan’s Last Orders pt.2

We're back for part two, and this time it's Lowest of Men in charge, other than a brief appearance from Wings to cover a Showdown. New(ish) Codexes are flexing their muscles in both of those, and we've got plenty of other...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Always Be Charging pt.2

Part two of Competitive Innovations, and melee meta continues - but not without a fight.  The Thousand Sons continue holding some of the tide at bay in the US, while from down under we've got some great insight from...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Grey Nice

We're in a bit of a holding pattern this week, as there weren't too many big events and (as sometimes happens when a balance update hits) people have fallen back on some reliably brutal builds to stomp on anyone...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: A Challenger Approaches pt.2

Me again. Did you know there was a whole tonne of Warhammer this past weekend? That includes one event (Warzone: Dice Goblin) which I shamefully failed to notice had used the Dataslate and new Ork/Custodes books, so well done...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Good Guard pt.2

Welcome back to part two of this week's Competitive Innovations. The astute among you may have noticed that this is a day later than usual, and that's because our team were hard at work on preparing our dataslate reviews...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Good Guard pt.1

The metagame is (presumably) on borrowed time, and this week it's the Astra Militarum's turn to take a big swing at the Necron menace, with a reasonable degree of success. The Thousand Sons and Sororitas are getting in on...