2018 Hobbying – A tale of Imperial Fists

Credit: Booley, a truly fantastic sonofabitch

This is 2 posts in one, a few things I just finished from what happened in CA18 and Vigilus, and then a retrospective on 2018.

Vigilus gave me a specialist detachment, the siegebreakers, and finally a release of a gravis armor character so I could make a gravis captain that didn’t look the same as everyone elses. Primarneus Calgar is a really great kit.

Along with the captain come the supporting apothecary and ancient:

The fat boys themselves:

Filling out the detachment are a couple of laser vindicators:

Finally, the detachment as a whole:

CA18 gave me power fists for my intercessor sergeants, so I knocked out a couple of them to replace my existing sergeants as well as another squad of 5 guys.

Now, with that out of the way, my 2018 retrospective:
About 115 models (I’m not sure exactly, thanks to time dilation this year has lasted literally forever and I can’t remember when I painted a few things)
Before 2018 my only Imperial Fist was a single squad of cataphractii that I did for a color test. I’ve built it up to somewhere around 6000 points, plus some custodies and knights. I’m probably about to break tables and I don’t really care.

In addition to the Fists I painted a handful of Blood Angel units, including an Astraeus, but they didn’t make sense (or fit) in with the same photo.

Here are my favorite models of the year, in no particular order:

We also had 2 great PNW hamslams this year:
Spring 2018
Fall 2018 Armies
Fall 2018 Gameplay

Looking into 2019, I want to get enough scenery painted up to do a full board, paint up my AT maniple, and paint a full size reaver. I also want to try to reduce my backlog, at this point I think I own nearly everything I could want for my Fists, barring any new releases, so I want to get it all painted before making more purchases (excepting a few upcoming releases for titanicus). I was able to take 2nd and 3rd place at a couple local tournaments this year, and I’d like to try to get up to taking 1st, though that may mean painting up some guard.