
Goonhammer Hobby Round-Up: June 2024

Half the year has already been and gone, we check in with what the team has been up to in their hobby time.

The Goonhammer Open UK June 2024 – Awards and Thank Yous

The past weekend was a warm one in the UK, where a hundred participants took cover from the sun's harsh rays to take part in the Goonhammer Open.

Goonhammer Hobby Round-Up: May 2024

We check out what hobby the team has been up to

The September Goonhammer Open UK Grows Larger

The Goonhammer Open returns September 7th to Leicester, for another glorious weekend of slamming hams. In addition to the Warhammer 40,000 tournament, we've just added a Horus Heresy doubles event - The Eye of the Storm Campaign. In the later...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-Up: April 2024

It's been a productive hobby month for the team in April, let's see what they've been up to!

Goonhammer Hobby Round-Up: March 2024

We check up on what the team has been up to hobbywise last month.

Announcing the UK Goonhammer Open – September 7/8th

The UK Goonhammer Open returns in September to Leicester

The Goonhammer Open UK March 2024- Winners and Thank yous

We take a look at what went down at at the March Goonhammer Open, an event spanning three systems and a WCW qualifier for two of them!

Kill Team WCW Qualifier comes to the UK Goonhammer Open – June 22nd/23rd

Kill Team comes to the UK Goonhammer Open

Goonhammer Hobby Round-Up: January 2024

A new year dawns, along with several new hobby projects from the team - let's see what they've been up to.

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Play Titanicus.
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Battletech: Mercenaries Mech Overviews

The Battletech: Mercenaries kickstarter brings 10 new plastic models to people's game tables, and we're here to help you know how to use them.
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