Tom Reuhl

Terrain Talk: Star Wars Shatterpoint Maintenance Bay Terrain Pack

Bigger Than You Think The Maintenance Bay Terrain Pack is the latest addition to Star Wars: Shatterpoint terrain offerings, and it will be released on August 16, 2024. With the release date recently announced, we wanted to preview some Adepticon...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Fear & Dead Men Squad Pack Review

The Fear & Dead Men Squad pack ushers in a dark era to Star Wars Shatterpoint. The first Empire-themed box during the Galactic Civil War era and our second Darth Vader primary unit. Darth Vader, The Emperor's Servant, will...

How to Paint Everything: Fistful of Credits Squad Pack

Fistful of Credits is the first in what will hopefully be a long line of bounty hunters and scum. These characters span from the Clone Wars era through the Galactic Republic, allowing the Bounty Hunter supporting unit to fill...

Hobby 101: Pinning

Pinning Taking pins/wires and reinforcing the joints and connections of the miniatures to strengthen and create durability. I have always been a massive proponent of pinning models. Reinforcing any joint with anything other than glue can only benefit it. Pinning helps...

Star Wars Shatterpoint: the First Year

Shatterpoint, our favorite Star Wars skirmish game, celebrates its first birthday! Over the first year, Atomic Mass Games released 19 squad packs, two terrain packs, and one additional mission pack. I  had an opportunity to sit down with Michael...

Traveling with Games

A Guide to Hobby Boardgaming and Travel Whether you are packing for a weekend getaway, holiday, or family gathering, deciding what games to bring and the logistics are a large part of many gamers' mindset—the anticipation of free time with...

Getting Started with Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Deciding to play any miniatures game can be a challenge. We are here to help get you over the hump and show you this game is worth your time and energy. Our previous article discussed the rules and review...

Shatterpoint Terrain Talk Showcase: Enth

Welcome to the Terrain Showcase, where we share table setups for Star Wars Shatterpoint. Our aim is to help fuel your creativity, find ideas, and get useful tips for creating your next battlefield adventure. Introducing Enth Terrain Used: Core Set, High...

Star Wars Shatterpoint’s First Team Tournament: Adepticon 2024

Adepticon 2024 marks the first year of Star Wars Shatterpoint, and with a new game come new tournaments and events. Throughout the four days, there were events like Gonk racing, an extended learn-to-play area, a frenemies tournament, Best Buds,...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Fistful of Credits Squad Pack Review

Finally, there is a squad pack to fill in the gray area in the Star Wars universe. The Fistful of Credits squad pack brings some of the most ruthless bounty hunters to Star Wars: Shatterpoint and we inch closer to...

About Me

Tom has been a life long Star Wars fan. Being introduced at an early age to a New Hope on VHS, he started consuming all the Sci-Fi he could get his hands on. He was introduced to miniature gaming a decade ago from a close friend and has been casually playing ever since. When Star Wars Shatterpoint was released in April 2023, he began writing for Goonhammer and began painting the minis.
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