Shatterpoint Terrain Talk Showcase: Enth

Terrain Talk Enth Star Wars Shatterpoint Tom Reuhl

Welcome to the Terrain Showcase, where we share table setups for Star Wars Shatterpoint. Our aim is to help fuel your creativity, find ideas, and get useful tips for creating your next battlefield adventure.

Introducing Enth

Terrain Talk Enth
image by Tom Reuhl from Adepitcon 2024

Terrain Used: Core Set, High Ground Expansion, Ground Cover Expansion
Playmat Used: Unknown Desert
Mission Pack: Sabotage Showdown
Color Scheme: Yellow Racing Stripe, Black/Blue Buildings
Creator: Adepticon Terrain Team
Setup Notes: Since this was a tournament, any mission pack could have been brought onto these maps. We played Sabotage Showdown, putting two points on the ground, but any would have been applicable. With multiple tournaments and play days, the terrain was less than level and centered.

Enth is our first setup from Adepticon 2024. Dense with terrain and cover, it had gantries for days. With plenty of gantries and many ingress points you had to fight for every inch of high ground.

Gantries were smokey white with a yellow racing stripe down the middle. Variant lengths from 1x all the way to a long 5x system. Each building had varied dark black coloring with pops of light blue. The vents on the buildings, satellites, and towers all lent to the blue pop.

Strategic Considerations

strategic considerations

We nicknamed this map “Ingress City” due to its abundant and sprawling ingress points and platforms. It was by far the most platforms and ingress points of any map we played in the Adepticon tournament.

When choosing a strike team for this map it would be worth noting that Mandalorian and Jedi with their jumping ability would have a large advantage scaling and traversing the map. The B1s and any larger based minis would be at a disadvantage with the smaller towers.

Starting Position

Terrain Talk Enth South Position
image by Tom Reuhl from Adepticon 2024

Choosing a starting position will depend on your strike team. The northern starting point has a gantry system running horizontal allowing for any starting character that can place more than ‘2’ away to start on higher elevation. Leaving them to take the advantage of the high ground and run the points.

The southern starting position has quick access to the top elevation and could map for some quick traversing if your opponent does not have extra mobile characters and what mission pack you are playing.

Unique Terrain Builds

north starting position
image by Tom Reuhl from Adepticon 2024

The Northwest tower has an additional platform. While you cannot tell from the overhead shots, it is worth inspecting the above shot (highlighted) so you can see how the gantry links to the tower. While you don’t need that extra level, but it sure made for an interesting objective.

Adepticon 2024

We were able to get four total map builds from Adepticon 2024 and will be releasing those later in the year due to them utilizing the garage terrain that has been yet to be released. We will also have a feature for the garage terrain and paint jobs in the upcoming weeks that will be linked here.