Warhammer 40k

Kill Team Roundtable: Classified Kill Teams and Rotation

We talk about the new rotational changes coming to kill team with Classified Teams. Are they good or bad, and what does this mean for the future of the game and 40k?

Competitive Innovations 40K Bonus: Interview with NOVA Champion Derek Apsche

Since the Chaos Space Marines Codex was released, Derek Apsche has been busy proving that the Chaos Cult detachment is the real deal, far more powerful than most people initially assumed. Most recently, he took the trophy and a...

Start Competing: Space Wolves Tactics

Start Competing: Space Wolves Tactics The Space Wolves are a first founding legion modeled in part after Viking Warriors. Hailing from the icy world of Fenris, they march into battle clad in fur pelts and rune-etched armor, riding on massive...

Detachment Focus: Champions of Russ

We take a deep dive into the Champions of Russ detachment for the Space Wolves, talking about how it plays and why you'd take it over the Stormlance Task Force.

Tonight: Streaming Space Marine 2 Co-op Campaign Mode

We're big fans of the original Space Marine and so it's no shock we'll also be playing the sequel. So if you're looking to hang out and watch me, Norman, and Bernhardt play the co-op campaign, consider swinging by...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2024, Part 27: Renegade Raidin’

The Road Through 2024 continues for TheChirurgeon as he tests some new lists for Warzone Houston and continues to work on his Night Lords.

Competitive Faction Focus: Space Wolves

In our Faction Focus series we take a look at the game’s factions and talk about their rules, their units, how they play, and what competitive lists for the faction look like. This is part of a larger series...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Cult Classics pt.1

Another week brings us more twists and turns in the metagame. This week Bringers of Flame players have truly locked in, achieving new heights of dominance, though Dark Angels and Thousand Sons continue to give them a run for...

Goonhammer Reviews: Index Leagues of Votann 10th Edition Crusade Rules in White Dwarf 503

We take a look at the new Leagues of Votann Crusade rules in White Dwarf #503 - what's going on with them, are they any good, and how to use them.

Boarding Actions Faction Focus: Death Guard

We take a look at the Death Guard in Boarding Actions - their army rule, and a general overview on how to play them.