What’s New in Tabletop Battles, May 2024: Linked Games, Photos, Horus Heresy, Custom Game Types, and More!

Tabletop Battles is Goonhammer’s proprietary app for running and tracking games of Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar. And we’ve been hard at work over the past few months adding a slew of new features and updates to fix issues and cover the things you’ve been asking for! We’ve been so busy, in fact, that we haven’t had time to make a series of posts telling you about all our sweet updates. So today we’re covering all of the big updates from the last few months, here in one post.

If you haven’t already, go download the app. It is hands-down the best app out there for tracking games of Warhammer 40k, and with support for 10th edition 40k, Age of Sigmar, and now, Heresy. There’s no better way to track your games.

Note: If you already have an Administratum account, that login will also be your Tabletop Battles login – just use the same account you’ve already made. If you are creating a new account, you can use that account for Administratum later! You don’t have to log in, but you will need to in order to access some of the new features.

Alright, let’s get to the features.

Linked Games

One of the features we’ve been thinking about and working on for a while is how to handle linking games with another player. We first implemented the code for this feature a few months ago, but recently gave it a big update, improving the speed and reliability of the feature. Now you can link up with a friend during a game, and you’ll be able to view each other’s scores in real time.

Note that you won’t be able to edit each other’s scores – there’s no shared record to edit (that’s intentional) – but you’ll be able to immediately verify that your scores and accounts of the game sync up, and Tabletop battles will notify you when there’s a discrepancy. It’s the best way to stay on top of your opponent’s score sheet and ensure that nothing is getting missed!

Note that in order to use this feature you have to log in to the app. You don’t have to be a Patron or subscriber, you just have to log in to use the feature. So if you don’t have a Tabletop Battles/Administratum login, it might finally be time to get one. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see the option to link games with an opponent. From there one of you can generate a QR code or code you can use to link up the games.

The Photo Gallery and Photo Reminders

Tracking scores for your games is great, but have you ever wanted to keep photo records? Well, good news – now Tabletop Battles supports taking photos of your games, and will attach those photos to the game itself! So now when you go back to a game you can see all of the photos you took during the game in one gallery.

NOTE: Photos are only available to Goonhammer Patrons at the $5+ Tier

The app will need to use your camera, but after you take the photos they’ll be stored in your camera’s default gallery. Oh, and remember a few months ago when we announced a big gallery update for Administratum? Well your game photos will automatically show up in the Administratum gallery as well, so you can go there to manage them or pull them into Administratum game records.

Finally, if you’re like many of our competitive-playing authors, you frequently forget to take photos during important games. Well good news! We’ve included a handy reminder feature – just check the “Remind me to take pictures” button and you’ll get handy reminders from Gregbot every round, telling you to take a picture of your game!

Changing Your Avatar/Icon

Something you don’t have to be Patron for is changing your avatar. You can now change your Tabletop Battles icon/avatar, replacing it with an image from your phone. This feature is only available to logged-in users, so if you aren’t able to change your avatar, make sure you’re signed in!

Support for Custom/Homebrew Missions

We’ve occasionally been asked about supporting custom or homebrew missions, for those times when you want to try something different. Well, we’ve added that feature, so now Tabletop Battles can support pretty much any game or weird homebrew mission you want to play. In this state, the app mostly serves as a CP and VP counter, but for a lot of simpler missions, that’s more than enough.

Support for Horus Heresy Second Edition

We’ve also added our third game to Tabletop Battles: We now support Horus Heresy, second edition! You can use Tabletop Battles to track your games in the Age of Darkness, and we’ve included deployment maps and mission-specific scoring for the core rules and the Siege of Cthonia.

What’s Next?

What, you want more? Well, we’re currently working on it. We’re adding more game systems to the app – stay tuned for support for Conquest and Kill Team – and we’re still working on other features, such as a more detailed profile page and player ratings, integration with Administratum, and better support for streaming. It’s a ton of work, and as Tabletop Battles is a free app, all of this development is mostly made possible by donations from Goonhammer Patrons. So if you have a feature or update you’re looking for, or if you just want to support the wonderful work we’re doing, consider joining our Patreon:

Have any questions or feedback? Drop us a note in the comments below or email us at contact@goonhammer.com.