
Star Wars: Armada Naval Academy – Dice 102

Armada’s delicious dice reflect the game’s core design: tight core mechanics supported by great depth beyond the rulebook. Following on from Dice 101, I want to talk about the deeper elements of the game’s dice. Forces for Change - “Page-turners...

Hobby Heresy – Painting an Astartes Boarding Patrol with Summer

Goonhammer’s Boarding Patrol Challenge is ongoing and it ends at the end of the month. By now, you'll hopefully have a cohesive idea of what your patrol consists of, and seen your modelmaking ideas blossom into reality. That or...

How to Pet Everything: Goonhammer’s Best Friends

Hey it's Summer. I've got good news for you: cute animals. Regular readers may be familiar with How to Paint Everything, Goonhammer's regular painting guides. We even ran a Pets of Warhammer special once about painting critters and creatures. What...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Rebel Small Ships Part II

Today in Star Wars: Armada, Summer gets attacked by a swarm of angry fish. This is Part II of the Dockyard series on small Rebel Alliance ships. The Ships – “Fear is your natural warning system; it keeps you alive...

Content We Liked: 12th February, 2023

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Tabletop digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – What Is It, and What Do We Know?

Hey, it’s Summer. Your resident Star Wars: Armada bitch. I’m launching Goonhammer’s coverage of this anticipated new game. At least until people who are more enthusiastic about Ground Wars take over, so that I can return to my flagship. Atomic...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Rebel Small Ships Part I

The Rebel Alliance fields the largest selection of small ships in Armada, and has cemented itself as a definitive power in small unit gameplay. Welcome to Part I of Dockyard – Rebel Small Ships, an explainers article where I...

Hobby Heresy – Muster an Astartes Boarding Patrol with Summer

Goonhammer's Boarding Patrol Challenge has begun. Since I haven’t done 40K stuff in a long time, I volunteered to be the tour guide for people starting their Boarding Patrol and joining our challenge. Hello ladies, gents, theys, and gays. I’m...

Star Wars: Armada Naval Academy – Sloanager and Luminara Venator List Breakdown

I’ve been here for a few months going on and on about Armada. I’ve given faction overviews. I’ve overviewed ships. I’ve given the run-down on dice, and even touched on fleet-building. What about pulling it all together into fleet-building?...

Summer’s 2022 Hobby Year in Review

2022 was a year of escalation. The previous years marked my journey through the pandemic under the familiar banner of my Master's degree. I'd grown horribly accustomed to the loneliness and shades of grey that permeated society, and three...

About Me

Summer is a fond tabletop gamer who plays Star Wars: Armada, Star Wars: Legion, Warhammer 40 000 and several other fantastic games. Find her at her PC, or painting at the hobby desk. Sometimes, she even leaves the house. Catch more of her here:
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