Jack Hunter

Content We Liked: October 9th, 2022

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Tabletop digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We Liked, we take a look at the articles, videos, podcasts, and products that caught our eyes or were noteworthy during the...

The Short Kings: A League of Votann model review

We've been furiously grinding away at our painting desks here in Goonhammer Towers getting the Leagues of Votann built and painted from the boxes Games Workshop provided us to review. While the rules team had some very interesting reactions,...

Horus Heresy Hot Take: Legacy and Exemplary Unit PDFs

The initial release of Horus Heresy 2 had some much-loved units missing from the already chunky Liber books, generally because there isn't a specific model currently being produced for them. Some of the most notable were the good old...

The March to Terra: Goonhammer Paints the Heresy

The release of Horus Heresy 2 has the Goonhammer writer's room buzzing with excitement. 12 of us are either just starting or are returning to the heresy, and while we'll all be painting at somewhat different speeds (damn you...

Horus Heresy: Zone Mortalis

Zone Mortalis, commonly referred to as ZM, is the most common way to play smaller games of 30k. It was a hugely popular part way to play 1st edition 30k, and a strange omission from the new Age of...

Horus Heresy: An Introduction to Rites of War

Welcome to the Horus Heresy. With the release of the Age of Darkness and the second edition of the rules, there’s never been a better time to jump into (or return to) a world set 10,000 years before Warhammer...

Model Review: Horus Heresy Characters

The new Horus Heresy boxed set releases soon and we’re doing deep dive reviews into its contents. If you missed our review of the rules, you can find that here, or if you missed our review of the new Mk....

Model Review Round Table: Horus Heresy Armor

The new Horus Heresy boxed set releases soon and we're doing deep dive reviews into its contents. If you missed our review of the rules, you can find that here, or if you missed our review of the new...

Army Showcase: Drybrush Threepwood’s Flesh Tearers

The Player: Mike Roberts The Codex: Space Marines (Flesh Tearers) Points: 4,500ish Collecting Since: January 2021 Instagram: drybrush_threepwood The Past There's something about an unreasonably belligerent post human psychopath hurling themselves forward with the intent to perform unspeakable violence that tickles a special place in...

So Many Marine Characters

As we all know, a week without a new Space Marine release is not a week at all. While these sadly aren't new Primaris Lieutenants, they're still marine characters, so I'm happy. Games Workshop sent these two over to...

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Goonhammer Historicals: What is Bushido Risen Sun?

This is an intro to Bushido Risen Sun, the best miniatures skirmish game you’ve not yet played. If you’re...
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