Aaron "Lenoon" Bowen

Goonhammer Historicals Interviews Turner Miniatures

With the Year of the Ship in full swing, Lenoon got in touch with ship-STL maestro Henry of Turner Miniatures to chat all things digital sculpting, historicals and 3d printing. Lenoon: Starting off easy, can you tell us a little...

Ur: The Royal Game – Updating Ur

This is the second part of a two-part article series on the Royal Game of Ur sponsored by Spartan Development. We've had a look at Spartan Games Ur: The Royal Game, and dived into the origins and history of the...

Goonhammer Reads Scifi: Goin’ On Dune

It’s very possible that you’ve recently been out to see a movie that’s kind of about a guy called Paul, though it’s really about how cool worms are. Dune 2 has hit, and with it a whole tranche of...

Ur: The Royal Game – What was the Game of Ur?

This is part of a two-part article series on the Royal Game of Ur sponsored by Spartan Development With the Spartan Games Ur: The Royal Game around the corner, we've donned our best Archaeology hats, brushed up on our cuneiform...

Goonhammer Historicals: Warlord Games Black Seas Review

This article is part of Goonhammer's Year of the Ship. You can see the other articles in this series here. With our reading done, it's time to crack into actually playing some Napoleonic naval action. We're going to start off...

Solar Auxilia Dracosan: The Goonhammer Review

So you’re looking at your Solar Auxilia and you’re thinking “yes, these are cool, but wouldn’t they be better mechanised?”. I know you are. Mechanised infantry, however they actually play on the tabletop and regardless of whether they’re a...

Solar Auxilia Leman Russ: the Goonhammer Review

I love a good Leman Russ. Back in 96 it was the first tank I ever bought, and some of the much-battered, often-restripped parts of that particular Russ has stayed with me to this day. So I was damn...

Solar Auxilia Infantry: The Goonhammer Review

For a year now we've heard the slow tramping of void-armour shod feet faintly whenever we've played Heresy games. Somewhere out there, there was a nutter with a horde army entirely made of Forge World Resin. The Solar Auxilia...

Goonhammer Reads: Master and Commander

This article is part of Goonhammer Historicals Year of the Ship - you can find the rest of the series here If we're going to play Napoleonic Naval Combat this year (and believe me, we are) then it's a good...

Ur: The Royal Game: The Goonhammer Review

We take a deep dive into the world's oldest board game, talking about what it is and how Spartan Development have updated it and turned into a modern game worth playing.

About Me

Has been playing wargames for too long, complaining about them for almost as long and attempting to write about them for about a year
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Updated Age of Sigmar Gloomspite Gitz Fourth Edition Battletome Review

The army box with new battletome is on pre-order and we have a new set of points already for all of the new gitmob units...and one other rules update.
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