May "Rockfish" Herrington

Model Review: Darkstrider

The new Codex: T'au Empire gave us more than just a new book - along side the release GW also released a new plastic model for Darkstrider. We've already mentioned the unit's datasheet in our review, but today we're...

Rockfish’s 2021 Hobby Year in Review

Somehow it's been another year; wild how these things happen. In this weird world we live in time is but a illusion forced on us by the occasional interruptions to the endlessly repeating days, primarily driven by whatever the...

How to Paint Everything: Leviathan Dimachaeron

This article is part of a larger series on How to Paint Tyranids. To return to that series, click here. I mentioned a back in my Army Showcase that I was planning on painting one of these big fellas, and...

How to Paint Everything: Rockfish’s Se’al Te’Am Tau

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. In this article Rockfish revisits his Tau bring us...

How to Paint Everything: Genestealer Cults Reductus Saboteur

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything! We look at different styles and techniques and some of the decisions you can make around heraldry and coloring. In this article we will...

Army Showcase: Rockfish’s Hive Fleet Leviathan

Finishing your own army is core to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby. In our Army Showcase series, Goonhammer contributors take a look at the armies we’ve been collecting for years, and the new ones we’ve just finished – what drew us to...

How to Paint Everything: The Kill Rig

As mentioned in our preview article for the Kill Rig, this model was sent my way to get painted and I made sure to get enough pictures for a HTPE! This is going to kind of be a slightly...

Crude Photogrammetry

If our guide to photgrammetry from @pendulinTV was a bit too much for you this week @mpherrington is taking on the project himself and showing ways to make it easier. #url# #goonhammer

How to Paint Everything: Rockfish’s Kommandos – Bolder then ever, and not just the colours!

You will have seen my Orks before in either my army showcase or the previous version of my HTPE from a while ago, but my scheme has seen a few revisions since I did that write up so I...

How to Paint Everything: Rockfish’s Totally Loyal Guards

Those of you who have seen our August Hobby Round-up will have noticed that in addition to starting GSC I had a guard sentinel in the same colour scheme, this is essentially the cheat I am doing to say...

About Me

Painting ADHD personified, makes up for it by painting really fast.
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Manifestations in Age of Sigmar: How Do They Work Anyway?

It's a whole new edition of Age of Sigmar which means a few things: veteran players assume rules that...
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