
Age of Sigmar Event Report and Goodbye to Third Edition

Two weekends past I attended a one-day, three-game Age of Sigmar event at Ragnarok Hobbies. There were 16 players total and we used all the standard rules you'd expect for a 2,000 point tournament with the current General's Handbook....

Ye Olde Ruleshammer: Killing Blow and Monster Slayer

This is the beginning of what will likely be a series all about rules interactions in the Old World. I wanted to call this series "Read Your Rulebook" but thought better of that. Mostly.  Today I'm looking at the two...

Wargames Atlantic Skeleton Cavalry and Chariot Review

When Lenoon messaged me to review a kit from Wargames Atlantic I thought for a few minutes that he was finally tricking me into Historical Wargaming. Instead, and much to my relief, he asked if I'd review their skeleton...

The Old World: Shooting and Volley Fire

With a new edition of a rank and flank game comes the question: how many ranks is the right number? This will vary drastically between player, army, and unit but for volley firing arrows it's a little easier to...

Minimagtray the Magnetic Movement Tray Review

A thank you to MinimagTRAY for sending us a large range of products to review!  To tray or not to tray? This is hardly ever a question amongst rank-and-flank gamers and Old World has sparked a newfound love for square-based...

Bair’s Dwarf Army Showcase – Warhammer The Old World

Dwarfs are simply the greatest Warhammer army that exists. Well, not just Warhammer, but any game system that includes them. They rule. Small Origins I'm of an age that my first Warhammer Fantasy set was the Seventh Edition Battle for...

Dawnbringers: Book V – Shadow of the Crone Army Rules Review

The last time I wrote a Dawnbringers review, for the Mad King, I had assumed that was the last one. I was clearly foolish. We're back with a fifth book. Maybe this is the last one? A thank you...

Old World on a Smaller Scale: Warbands

Most people know, and if you don't then now you do, that Warhammer Fantasy has long been renowned for the need to build and paint 100+ minis to play a "full" game. Some armies circumvent this by having very...

Old Worlders: A Tale of Five Gamers

We kick off a new series following six players building armies and returning to The Old World.

Warhammer the Old World Reference Sheets

Like many of the returning Warhammer Fantasy players getting into Game's Workshops newest iteration of square-based fantasy battles I have a few edition's worth of rules in my head. Whether you're coming from an older edition of Warhammer Fantasy...

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Lore Explainer: The World Of The Walking Dead

In Lore Explainer, we take a deep look at the lore behind our favorite games, movies, and books, and...
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